project door Andrea Freckmann en Theun Govers
The paintings of Andrea Freckmann arise from the need to understand human actions. Freckmann looks at her surroundings as if life consists of plays that can be broken down into basic plot schemes and the associated decoration. In her work she reflects her environment as a stage for role-playing games and objects as props. This helps her to understand and classify behaviour.
website artist
www.andreafreckmann.comSocial media
Curriculum vitae
2005 - 2010Fine Arts Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2023Volt- artistieke spanning WARP Contemporary Art Platform Sint Niklaas, Belgium www.warp-art.be/over-warp Group
2022Randstücke und Zwischenstücke Gallery Maurits van de Laar The Hague, Netherlands mauritsvandelaar.nl/randstucke-und-zwischenstucke/ Duo
2022In a pig's whisper De Vishal Haarlem, Netherlands For fifteen days, two – ever-changing – artists will each create a fresh work in the Vishal. Upon completion, the work is immediately covered. The artists who are in charge only get to see a sneak peek of the work of their immediate predecessor. The rest remains hidden. www.devishal.nl/kunst/double-dutch-whisper/ Group
2020Und alle Lust Schloss Agathenburg Agathenburg, Germany www.schlossagathenburg.de/mediathek/790/und-alle-lust?category=1&year=2015 Group
2019Andrea Freckmann schilderijen, ruimtelijk werk Rotterdam Art Fair Rotterdam, Netherlands At Art Rotterdam 2019 Galerie Maurits van de Laar will bring a solo presentation of Andrea Freckmann (1970) in stand 48. mauritsvandelaar.nl/art-rotterdam-2019-solo-andrea-freckmann/ Solo
2018Take This Waltz Galerie d'Apostrof Meigem, Belgium www.dapostrof.be/index.php/expo/take-this-waltz-174/ Group
2018Commedia, Get On Stage! Gallery Maurits van de Laar The Hague, Netherlands In her paintings Andrea Freckmann (1970) creates a world in which reality and the theatrical merge into eachother. In her most recent work she specifically focuses on the Commedia dell’Arte, a form of satirical theatre that developed in Italy in the 16th century. mauritsvandelaar.nl/en/commedia-get-on-stage/ Solo
2014De schoonheid van het verschil Museum Henriette Polak Zutphen, Netherlands Buning Brongers Prijswinnars - De schoonheid van het verschil Group
International exchanges/Residencies
2018CCA Andratx, Mallorca (artists-in-residence) Andratx, Spain working period www.ccandratx.com/en/c1/home.html
Sales/Works in collections
2023DELA kunstcollectie Nederland
2023Kunstcollectie Isala Nederland
2019ABN Amro Kunstcollectie Nederland painting
2019Kunstcollectie van Ministerie Buitenlandse Zaken Nederland painting
2019Aegon kunstcollectie Nederland painting
2013cbk Amsterdam NL painting
2011heden NL painting
2011LUMC Leiden/ NL painting
2010Caldic Collectie NL painting
2010heden Den Haag/ NL painting
2019A Painter's Play Book Maurits Van de Laar, Gerrit Willems, Kees `t Hart, Jorn Laponder, Andrea Freckmann The Hague, Netherlands www.andreafreckmann.com/publications.html
2014Prospects & Concepts mondriaan fonds publicatie bij de tentoonstelling
2018Andrea Freckmann, Commedia, Get On Stage! Blog/Vlog Bertus Pieters The Hague, Netherlands villanextdoor.wordpress.com/2018/04/17/andrea-freckmann-commedia-get-on-stage-galerie-maurits-van-de-laar-the-hague/
Awards and grants
2024Kunstenaar Basis Mondriaan Fonds (voorheen Fonds BKVB) Amsterdam, Netherlands development of work and art practice
2020SPOT individuele tentoonstelling (sinds 2004) Stroom, Den Haag The Hague, Netherlands for presentations and exhibitions
2020SPOT, individuele tentoonstelling (sinds 2004) Stroom, Den Haag The Hague, Netherlands for presentations and exhibitions
2018STROOM, Den Haag The Hague, Netherlands PRO, projectsubsidie
2017Werkbijdrage bewezen talent mondriaan fonds Amsterdam, Netherlands The Stipendium for Established Artists is intended for visual artists who have been professionally active as visual artists for at least four years.
2012Startstipendium beeldende kunst mondriaan fonds Amsterdam, Netherlands The Stipendium for Emerging Artists is intended for promising visual artists who have completed their degree less than four years ago.
2012Buning Brongers Prijs Johan en Titia Buning-Brongers Stichting, Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands De Buning Brongers Prijs is een tweejaarlijkse Nederlandse kunstprijs voor jonge beeldend kunstenaars.
2010Stroom Aanmoedigingsprijs STROOM, Den Haag The Hague, Netherlands Een speciaal samengestelde werkgroep maakt jaarlijks een rondgang langs de eindexamenpresentaties van de dag- en de avondopleiding van de Koninklijke Akademie van Beeldende Kunsten (KABK) in Den Haag, en kent aan één of meer academieverlaters een Aanmoedigingsprijs toe.
Secondary art-related activities
2017 - 2015lid van de huuradviescommissie van de DCR
2015 - 2019teacher painting and printmaking, KABK, fine art
2006 - --program leader Kunstmuseum Den Haag On-going