studioview with 2 works 'scrap' and "So"
Rotating mobile with brightly colored cleaning devices - cleaning the air at West End projektspace The Hague
On top of a parking garage a 4 meters big Snipe is watching over a 200 meter long strip planted with living ornamental grasses waving in the wind. The scene reflects on the ‘polders’ that were here on this spot just 15 years ago, where grasses touched the horizon…. Nowadays replaced by cars & houses The Snipe was a common wetland-meadow bird once Dutch national pride even depicted on the popular 100,- guilder banknote
On top of a parking garage a 4 meters big Snipe is watching over a 200 meter long strip planted with living ornamental grasses waving in the wind. The scene reflects on the ‘polders’ that were here on this spot just 15 years ago, where grasses touched the horizon…. Nowadays replaced by cars & houses The Snipe was a common wetland-meadow bird once Dutch national pride even depicted on the popular 100,- guilder banknote
Result of a color research in the demilitarised zone between north and South Korea in sept 2019
stop motion with lots of color
Installatian in Museum Panorama Mesdag.. https://vimeo.com/192432846
“a horse, a horse” project ism Quartair dat verslag doet van een (fictieve) reis met een levensgroot paard voor de tentoonstelling" Jump in to the Unknown onderdeel van de 56e Biënnale van Venetië.
plafond bestaande uit 100 verschillend gekleurde glazen plafondplaten
drijvend houten schuilkerkje , zie http//:www.brooswerk.net
T.g.v. het 200-jarig bestaan van atelier Rijksbouwmeester, 200 zwarte stipeen op het gebouw van het ministerie van VROM. Tijdelijk project i.s.m. Zeger Reyers (Duo Broos)
Voorgevel Archipel. Een nieuwe voorgevel voor Archipel in Apeldoorn, tijdens de laatste tentoonstelling "Formula"van dit kunstenaarsinitiatief.
De bezoeker wordt bij binnenkomst geconfronteerd met een bouwsel waarin het niet te zien is of het om een gebouw gaat of om coulissen, en of men de achterkant van iets ziet of de voorzijde. het is een binnenstebuiten geklapte tentoonstellingsruimte waarbij men de "schilderijen" van buitenaf kan bekijken. Eenmaal aan de buitenkant zijn de kleuren van de schilderijen ontsnapt in de ruimte. Honderden plastic schalen gevuld met droge en natte verf liggen uitgespreid op de grond en krijgen de betekenis van gekleurde cirkels in de ruimte. Verf is tegen de muren gespat en druppels verf komen uit het plafond. Gezamelijk vormen zij een aantal ruimtelijke schilderijen.
Social media
Member of Artists’ Initiative/Collective/Incubator
Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives
Member of a professional association/artists’ association
Haagse Kunstkring
Curriculum vitae
1986 - 1990schilderen,tekenen,grafiek Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2024Today is pink (or whatever color) WhatArtCanDo amsterdam, Netherlands Solotentoonstelling met schilderijen en videowerk www.whatartcando.com/about Solo
2024Circle in Circle Est Art Foundation Leiden, Netherlands Group
2023CheongjuInternationalContemporaryArt,Decade'sRetrospectiveandNewFutureProspects SCHEMA Art Museum Cheongju, Republic of Korea The 10th Cheongju International Contemporary Art Exhibition Group
2023What used to be a beautifull vila Billytown The Hagie, Netherlands groupshow www.billytown.org/ABOUT-1 Group
2022Art Project Onsaemiro 111CM ComMunity Suwon, Republic of Korea International Art Exhibition Group
2022galerie Adorable Kunstrai Amsterdam, Netherlands Artfair Group
2021Five at the North Avalance Art Space Great Barrington MA, United States show with 5 artists that worked in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea Group
2020Take Care/E Tiaki Arthouse Contemporary Auckland, New Zealand Group
2019Advertisement for a work of art BWA Contemporary Art Gallery Katowice, Poland www.bwa.katowice.pl/p/649/banners__large_scale_reproductions_of_works_of_a/ Group
2019Cycli West End The Hague, Netherlands Group
2019Winterlight 2019 Julianapark Schiedam, Netherlands Meerdaagse manifestatie met lichtkunst in Julianapark www.schiedam24.nl/nl/nieuws/uit-cultuur/twintig-lichtkunstwerken-op-winterlicht/12506 Group
2019Winterlicht Light festival in Julianapark Schiedam,, Netherlands outdoor light festival with 20 light artists www.winterlicht.nl Group
2018See what you know Quartair Contemporary art Initiatives The Hague Exhibition about the "The act of Painting" villanextdoor2.wordpress.com/2018/10/22/see-what-you-know-quartair-the-hague/ Group
2018Talking with hands Fusion Art Gallery Torino, Italy www.fusionartgallery.net/talking-with-hands.html Group
2018The poētic condition North Art Gallery Auckland, New Zealand Travelling exhibition with work from Dutch and New Zeeland artists. sonjavank.wordpress.com/2018/11/15/the-poetic-condition-northart-gallery2/ Group
2017Higher by spinning Gallery Ceka Charlama, Sarajevo winter Festival Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina vimeo.com/201865120 Group
2016Panorama Continuüm Museum Panorama Mesdag The Hague Panorama Continuum is an installation that stretches and extends the way we look at the world around us. The airy work is a panorama turned inside out , the sky is pulled inwards, through the ceiling into the museum. And appears again on a 3D parabolic screen hanging down from ceiling.for more info follow the link http://www.pietertje.net/index.php?page=2&project=12 www.pietertje.net/index.php?page=2&project=12 Duo
2015Jump into the unknown Collateral Event for the 56th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia Palazzo Loredan dell’Ambasciatore, Dorsoduro 1261, 1262, Venice Venice For the exhibition "Jump into the Unknown", part of the 56th Venice Biennale, Pietertje van Splunter, Thom Vink, Geeske Harting and Jessy Rahman developed the art project "A horse, a horse" which reports on a (fictional) trip a life-size horse. This horse was used in the Netherlands and Venice for films and performances. The horse sails on a boat through the Westland and emerges from the water as Hippocampus. The individual artists tell their own story and over the horse during the trip from The Hague to Venice, is saddled with more stories, myths and meanings. These actions are documented and resulted in a number of short films that where shown in the exhibition "Jump in to the Unknown" in Palazzo Loredan, dell’Ambasciatore , Venice A horse is pushed through Venice by the artist in full equestrian costume. An action, that makes you wonder why this rider does not to sit on the horse and is pushing a seemingly unwilling and motionless horse through town. A story about the inadequacy of an artist to breathe life into an image. The action also plays with the relationship between "master and servant" and gives an unexpected, absurd image on the streets of Venice. www.pietertje.net/index.php?page=1&project=23 Group
2015Edged Artist Initiative Ruimtevaart The Hague Duo Exhibition with Ellen Rodenberg www.stichting-ruimtevaart.nl/_images/media/1510071.jpg Duo
2013Going Magyar Local Museum of Ferencvaros Budapest, Hungary Group
2011Lust voor het oog Stedelijk Museum schiedam Schiedam, Netherlands Group
Linked Objects Seoul, Tblisi, Sarajevo, Avalanche etc artisterium.org/ Linked Objects, a collection of 36 films made by 36 artists during quarantine. The works are a meditation on our interconnectedness in times of isolation and forceful separation. The project was initiated by the International Environmental Art Symposium and Nine Dragon Heads, during the covid outbreak. Screenings have been realized in Sarajevo (BiH) as part of the IV International Online Art Festival Grad 2020 – Moja kuća (My house); at Cheongju Museum of Art (KR); in Palace de SEOUL (KR); at the Espace Juraplatz, Biel, Switzerland (CH) and at Avalanche Art Space, Great Barrington, Ma (US) and at Artisterium, Tbilisi (GE).and Quartair The Hague
Sarajevo International Winterfestival Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina www.quartair.nl/quartair-in-sarajevo/ Cultural Festival
Cycli West End Project space The Hague, Netherlands exhibition
Jump into the unknown Nine Dragon Heads Venice, Italy workshop
Who cartes Brabants Kenniscentrum voor Kunst en Cultuur BKKC Tilburg, Netherlands www.pietertje.net/index.php?page=1&project=20 research and exhibition about the "Healing environment"
Dive into the deep Zinder Festival The Hague, Netherlands theatre festival
F.L.U.T. Quartair Contemporary Art Initiatives, The Hague The Hague, Netherlands www.quartair.nl/2012-2011/FLUT.htm Festival art and music
Define Yourselfs, defenitions of space. Kunstenlab Deventer Deventer, Netherlands www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=project&lang=nl&project=1 Artmanifestation in Deventer near Harbour
International exchanges/Residencies
2019in Korea Nine Dragon Heads Art Symposium DMZ -Suwon museum of art, Republic of Korea Kunstmanifestatie
2014Lana, Italy exchange exhibition chmkoome.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/the-second-explodes-part-3-het-werk/
2013Settlement, EBA studio's Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada exchange show
2017De grote polder Gemeente Zoetermeer Zoetermeer, Netherlands Public space - Artwork for Cityhall zoetermeer www.zoetermeer.nl/inwoners/nieuwe-kunst-in-stadhuiscomplex_47807/item/de-grote-polder_95881.html
2017Tussentijd gemeente oisterwijk Oisterwijk, Netherlands public space sculpture in park KVL
2016Mulderpaviljon Gemeente Amsterdam Amsterdam Public Space Design for a monument for architect ir. Jacoba Mulder
2013A rainbow for Bernhoven Hospital Ziekenhuis Bernhoven Uden, Netherlands Artwork in Public Space Hospital www.pietertje.net/index.php?page=2&project=11 finished
2012The green line Gemeente Ede Ede 'De groene Snaar' openbare ruimte
2011Panorama Pavilion Provincie Zuid-Holland Coast of Delfland, Netherlands kunstwerk op de duinen bij Ter Heide www.brooswerk.net/index.php?lang=nl&page=project&project=15&img=2
2009Yggdrasil Rijkstinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, rijksbouwmeester Bilthoven, Netherlands Public space A paralel art world inside the Institute for public health and environment www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=project&lang=nl&project=8 finished
2008Shelter church for Anas penelope CBK Utrecht Kamerik province Utrecht, Netherlands Public Space Floating wooden shelter church www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=project&lang=nl&project=7 finished
2007Neighbours Kunstcentrum Hengelo, Kunstenlab Deventer en KvD Enter province Overijse, Netherlands 'Buren' Site specific/openbare ruimte www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=project&lang=nl&project=6 finished
2007Het Kruithuisje Gemeente Apeldoorn Apeldoorn, Netherlands Public Space Columba exercitus, beeld in het Van Haeftenpark www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=project&lang=nl&project=3 finished
2006200 years rijksbouwmeester Ministerie van VROM/Rijksbouwmeester The Hague, Netherlands public space www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=project&lang=nl&project=5 finished
Sales/Works in collections
2019Living art Museum Reykjavik, IJsland
--Artoteek Den Haag, Artoteek Breda, artotheek Schiedam, Artoteek Vlaardingen, Artoteek s'Gravesande,CBK Rotterdam, De Krabbengang Einhoven, Kunstuitleen zeeland, Kunstuitleen Den Bosch, Kunstuitleen Dalfsen.
--Gemeente Utrecht, Gemeente apeldoorn, ziekenhuis Bernhoven Uden, Siemens, Shell, Gasunie, Delta Loyd, amersfoorste verzekeringen, Van Voorden en de Groot, RIVM.
--Diverse particulieren i binnen-en buitenland
2015Jump into the unknown - La Biennale di Venezia Book Nine Dragon Heads NDH South-Korea, Republic of Korea 9dh-venice.com/catalogue.html Catalogue page 148-153
2014Beeld voor Beeld 90 3d artists Book Jubileumboek stichring HBKK st. Haagse beeldende kunst en kunstnijverheid The Hague catalogue
2012koningstocht Delden Diepenheim 2012-2014 Catalog KV Diepenheim & MICK Delden catalogus
2010zestig jaar percentageregeliong IN OPDRACHT Book Rijksgebouwendienst catalogus
2009Van axis Mundi naar Flexplek Catalog Broos Roland Groenenboom The Hague, Netherlands Foto's en achtergronden bij een serie kunstwerken gemaakt voor het RIVM
2007Present kunst bij Rijksgebouwen 2004-2006 Rijksgebouwendienst RGD catalogus
2016Sit down and dream away Newspaper Sandra Smets NRC Netherlands www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=press&img=17 about Panorama Continuum in Museum Panorama Mesdag
2016Panorama gaat op moderne toer Newspaper Nico Hemelaar AD Netherlands www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=press&img=15 about Panorama Continuum in Museum Panorama Mesdag
2016Doorgaan waar Mesdag ophield, ... Blog/Vlog Bertus Pieters Netherlands villalarepubblica.wordpress.com/2016/07/10/doorgaan-waar-mesdag-ophield-panorama-continuum-panorama-mesdag-den-haag/ about Panorama Continuum in Museum Panorama Mesdag
2016Het leven van een meeuw in Panorama Mesdag Blog/Vlog Bob van de Sterre egensentevens.nl/2016/04/het-leven-van-een-meeuw-in-panorama-mesdag/
2016Panorama Continuüm Magazine Eline van der Haak Netherlands metropolism.com/reviews/panorama-continuuem/
2013A Hospital with squirrels Bra bands Dagblad Netherlands www.brooswerk.net/index.php?page=press&img=13
2007Beelden Buiten - terloopse poëzie Magazine S.Spijkerman kunstbeeld www.brooswerk.net/press/groot/11%20kerkje%20Kunstbeeld%20S.Spijkerman.jpg
Secondary art-related activities
1992 - --Bestuurslid Kunstenaarsinitiatief Quartair On-going