Ceramic potery
Serie of Figurative Drawings
Serie of Figurative Drawings
3D sculptures on marble pedestal
Serie of Luxury Garbage Bags
Serie of Figurative drawings
Serie of Figurative drawings
New videoceiling Splinter Revisited
New sculpture Splinter
Sculptures of plaster & videoprojection
Installatie van verguld ijzer
As an artist I not only seek to create beautiful things but also to create beautiful lives and a better world.
Ciska de Hartogh, who studied 3D monumental art in South Africa and the Netherlands, creates works of art that are more than purely aesthetic lines and streamlined forms. Her 'social sculptures' embody an idea about an underlying social issue that influences the overall quality of life. Central to her work as a visual artist is her involvement with the world. More specifically, the question of how man relates to himself and the world around him. De Hartogh's work is thematic, with the subject determining the visualization. With her artistic expressions she wants to address social problems, themes in which she is or has been personally involved, such as poverty, illness, a sustainable society and nature, but also mental resilience, trauma treatment and the question how people deal psychologically with life experiences, both positive and negative. If it is necessary to speak of your own signature or specific signature, then this is mainly determined by the content or theme, in which Ciska looks for the most suitable visual expression. As a result, there is a great diversity of visual expressions in her artworks. De Hartogh's work as an "art activist" initiated the Love Life festival in The Hague and received much media attention. In 2013, De Hartogh launched an interactive social sculpture project in the field of nature conservation in the Museon in The Hague, in which she encouraged children to make "Art Goodie Bags" from beach and other plastic waste. This project is continued annually with the latest edition of Nature Goodie Bags. In 2018, Ciska's paintings, photos and films were officially part of the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, based on her years of humanitarian aid in Africa, where she helped set up pioneering AIDS control programs in Cape Town. In 2020, Ciska was invited to exhibit her artwork on AIDS at the 23rd International AIDS Conference in San Francisco, USA. In 2010, Ciska received the Green Apple Award from the University of California for an "Outstanding Contribution to a Sustainable Lifestyle". Because of her involvement in humanitarian and social issues through the Visual Arts, she received the second Humanist prize from the Humanist Association on March 30, 2019. She is currently preparing new projects and artworks for upcoming exhibitions in 2020 and 2021.
Personal Website
www.ciskadehartogh.comSocial media
Member of a professional association/artists’ association
Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam Kunstenaarslid
Vereniging Haagse Kunstkring
Curriculum vitae
2021 - 2021Webinar Asset of Art AFK Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, ING, Stroom Den Haag, CBK R'dam,
2000 - 2002Film Documentary filming & editing Open Studio
2000 - 2005Fine Art 3D Automome Beeldende Kunst 3D Royal Academy The Hague/ Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag diploma
2000 - 2002Sound and Image Central Interfaculty Sound and Image The Hague
2000 - 2005Fine Art 3D Autonome 3D Beeldende Kunst Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
1998 - 1999Drawing, Painting, Sculpting Free Academy Sassenheim
1995 - 1998Drawing, Painting, Sculpting Ruth Prowse School of Fine Art, Kaapstad. diploma
2025Working Members Vereniging Haagse Kunstkring Den Haag, Netherlands Presentation artist members haagsekunstkring.nl/index.php/activiteiten/exposities Group
2024Exposition Salon 2024 Arti et Amicitae Amsterdam, Netherlands Presentation artist members Group
2024To Constantijn To Christian Museum Hofwijck Voorburg, Netherlands Permanent solo contribution To Constantijn To Christian since 2018 and further Solo
2023Zomer en Winter salons 2023 Arti et Amicitae Amsterdam, Netherlands Presentation artist members Group
2023Nieuw Werk nieuwe werkende leden Vereniging Haagse Kunstkring Den Haag, Netherlands Presentation new artist members Group
2022Zomer en Winter salons 2022 Arti et Amicitae Amsterdam, Netherlands Presentation artist members Group
2021Zomer en Winter salons 2021 Arti et Amicitae Amsterdam, Netherlands Presentation artist members Group
2020Zomer en Winter salons 2018-2020 Arti et Amicitae Amsterdam, Netherlands Exhibition of new Oil Graphic Drawings and ceramic sculptures Group
2019Nature Goodies at Zeehelden Theatre Zeeheldentheater Den Haag, Netherlands Solo Stage Set Construction and Exhibion at Zeehelden Theater The Hague Solo
2018Nature Goodie Bags Julianaduin Bergen aan Zee Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands Solo exhibition in Zuid Nature Goodie Bags Solo
2018Kayelitsha art contribution AIDS Conference 2018 Art Project Space and Front Gallery Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands Solo Exhibition Kayelitsha Paintings, films and photo's as official part of Amsterdam AIDS Conference 2018 Solo
2017Healer drawings by Ciska de Hartogh Industriele Groote Club Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands Solo exhibition drawings Industriele Grote Club Solo
2017Update New Artist Members. Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands Group Exhibition Update New Artist Members. Group
2016Nozze in Humanity Humanity House Den Haag, Netherlands Solo exhibition Splinter and life audience performance in co production with stage actor Kees Coolen Solo
2016Burningman at Amsterdam Burningman Radion Amsterdam, Netherlands Art Contribution and performance Decompression Burning Man Solo
2016Plastic Madonna Fab City Amsterdam, Netherlands Co Production Artwork Plastic Madonna Klean Fab City Group
2016Pamina Fransje Humanity House Den Haag, Netherlands Mini installation posterbed and video Solo
2016Kunstwerk Splinter in Den Haag Humanity House Den Haag, Netherlands Solo exhibition Humanity House The Hague whichmuseum.nl/tentoonstelling/kunstwerk-splinter-in-den-haag-ciska-de-hartogh-humanity-house-5114 Solo
2016Bubbles Art Project Hilton Hotel Rotterdam, Netherlands Drawings in expo Solo
2015To Constantine To Christian Museum Hofwyck Voorburg, Netherlands 3D sculptures and drawings inspired on Constantijn and Christiaan Huygens Solo
201490 3D Haagse Kunstenaars Pulchri Studio Den Haag, Netherlands Splinter installatie in groeps expo 90 3D Haagse Kunstenaars Group
2013To Constantine To Christian Museum Hermitage aan de Amstel Amsterdam/Den Haag, Netherlands 3D sculptures and drawings inspired by Constantijn and Christiaan Huygens in museumshop Solo
2013Nature Goodie Bags Museum Museon Den Haag, Netherlands Creative bags made of garbage waste from beach clean up and workshop Solo
2012Arms Around You Atrium Stadhuis Den Haag 2004-2012 Den Haag, Netherlands Solo exhibition Arms Around You City Hall of The Hague yearly attended by the Mayor of The Hague, politicians and press. Solo
2007Splinter in bib Den Haag Openbare Bibliotheek Den Haag Den Haag, Netherlands Solo exhibition Splinter installation Solo
2006Kayeltisha Ministery of Social Affaires Den Haag, Netherlands Paintings on plastic construction canvasses inspired by the poverty in the townships around Cape Town SA Solo
2006Splinter in Gemak Gemak (Vrije Academie) Den Haag, Netherlands Splinter installation in Gemak and lecture about Splinter by art critic Daan van Spybroeck Solo
2006Rwanda Drawings Ministery of Traffic Den Haag, Netherlands Drawings and video installation inspired on personal experiences in pre-genocide period in Rwanda Solo
2005Kayelitsha in Arti et Industriae Expo De Sigarenfabriek Delft, Netherlands Painting Kayelitsha awarded wit Arti et Industriae award "Estafette stokje" Group
2005Splinter at Academy Royal Academy of Art Den Haag, Netherlands Splinter Video installation in shape of four poster pillar bed Group
2004Please Hug me foto's South Africa Hogeschool Den Haag Den Haag, Netherlands Foto's poor slum areas and red Cross Childrens Hospital Cape Town Solo
2004Rwanda Gemak (Vrije Academie) Den Haag, Netherlands Sepia tekeningen op kussens Solo
2004Please Hug Me The Hague Central Station Den Haag, Netherlands Huge drawings on plastic canvasses Solo
Webinar The Asset of Art The Asset of Art Den Haag, Netherlands Participating in webinar on the enpowerment of the position of artists
The Hague a diverse artistic metropolitan Zeeheldentheater Den Haag Den Haag, Netherlands Initiator and organiser Art and Music Performance Zeeheldentheater
Lectures and presentation on Art and advocay around AIDS 22nd Internationale AIDS Conferentie Amsterdam, Netherlands Art lecture and movie performance
Workshops Goodie Bags Nature Conservation Bergense Kunst10daagse Bergen aan Zee, Netherlands Social Art Project
Nozze in Humanity Ciska de Hartogh & Kees Coolen Humanity House The Hague Den Haag, Netherlands Life Art Performance. SEE VIDEO PERSONALWEBSITE
Catalogue The Hague 3D Artists Redactie St Kunst & kunstnijverheid Den Haag, Netherlands Crowdfunding Initiator
2005-2011 Initiator Love Life Festival Atrium The Hague municipaity Townhall Den Haag, Netherlands Art Festival City Hall The Hague
International exchanges/Residencies
2017Burning Man The Netherlands and Nevada USA Internationaal
2010Green Life Style Film Festival Los Angeles USA Los Angeles, United States
2010Green Life Style Film Festival Los Angeles USA
2018Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam, Netherlands Artcontribution and lectures as Offcial Affiliated event 22nd Int AIDS Conference Amsterdam finished
2018Artist aan Zee Kunst10daagse Bergen aan Zee, The Netherlands, Netherlands Workshop natureconservation Nature Goodie Bags finished
2014Pulchri Studio/ Stichting Haagse Beeldende Kunst & Kunstnijverheid (HBKK) The Hague, Netherlands Jubilee group exhibition selected 3D Artists finished
2013Museum shop Hermitage Amstel Amsterdam, Netherlands Museumshop commission collection To Constantijn To Christian from Ciska de Hartogh finished
2013Museon Museum The Hague, Netherlands Nature Goodie Bags workshops finished
2013Seafirst Foundation Noordwijk, Netherlands Artproject Beach Clean Up finished
2010University of California USA, UCLA Los Angeles USA, United States Selected and awarded in Green Life Style filmdocumentary Festival finished
20092005-2012 Stichting Atrium/Municipality of The Hague Atrium The Hague, Netherlands Intiator of Love Life Festival Atrium finished
2006GEM/ Gemak/ Vrij Academie Gemak The Hague, Netherlands Intiator of Art & AIDS Festival finished
20042004 Hans op den Beek GEM THe Hague, Netherlands Contribution to exhibition Hans op den Beek GEM finished
Sales/Works in collections
2018Beautywaste 2 Bergen aan Zee Graphic oil drawing on polyester
2017Industriele Groote Club Amsterdam The Netherlands Ink Drawings Healers
2016Bubbles Art Project Paris (France) Ink Drawings Noble Thinker, Golden Thinker, Golden Navigator
20152015-2020 To Constantijn To Christiaan The Netherlands Permanent Publicsale at Museum Hofwijck of sculptures and drawings To Constantijn
2014To Constantijn To Christiaan The Netherlands Public sales Hermitage ad Amstel of 3D printed portrait sculptures
2014Pulchri The Netherlands Private sale Inspiration Ink Drawing
2013To Constantijn To Christiaan The Netherlands/Italie Public sales at Grote Kerk The Hague sales of drawings postcards and 3D print scultpures
2010Arms Around You Triptech Documentaries United States of America Documentary Please Hug Me, Arms Around You, Thandeka Zulu
20102010-2016 Sculpture and drawingcommissions Italy Ink drawings
20092004-2016 Portrait, sculpture and drawing commisions The Netherlands/ South Africa Oilpaint portraits Brons sculptures and ink drawings
2018Ciska de Hartogh maakt Goodie Bags Bergense Kunst10 daagse in Kunstinzicht Free Publicity articles
2018Stichting Stokroos; Ciska de Hartogh - Kayelitsha Bonteheuvel 2018 Sponsor publication
2014Haagse 3D Beeldende Kunstenaars Stichting Haagse Beeldende Kunst & Kunstnijverheid (HBKK) Selected for double page contribution artworks of Ciska de Hartogh
2011Activistische Kunst en Levenskunst, schokkende schoonheid Sociëteit De Witte Interview with Ciska de Hartogh in De Witte blad
20092007/2008/2009 Gewoon Anders Vandaag is het Wereld AIDS dag/2009 Kunst in de Wijk Cobra Museum FunX Radio/ Radio TV West Review expositions Ciska de Hartogh
2007Ciska in Felderhof - De Stille Kracht van Ciska de Hartogh Rik Felderhof Portrait interview (6 pages)
2006Ontdekkingsreis 167 kunststudenten AD/Haagse Courant Newspaper article
2005TV Special Ciska de Hartogh, Een bewogen avonturier TV Current affairs Program Een Vandaag Television Special on Ciska de Hartogh (10 min)
Awards and grants
2019Second Humanistische Prijs Nederland Humanistisch Verbond Nederland Den Haag, Netherlands 2019 March Second Price (honourable mentioning) by Humanistich Verbond Haaglanden, The Netherlands. Because of her focus on and involvement with social and humanitarian issues through Fine Art.
2010Green Apple Award, University of California (UCLA) USA, Los Angeles, United States Green Apple Award for an Outstanding Contribution to a sustainable Lifestyle
2006Art essay on Ciska de Hartogh by Daan van Speybroeck Gemak/Vrije Academie The Hague Den Haag, Netherlands An art essay on Splinter by Art critic Daan van Speybroeck
2005Art Award Estafettestokje Arti et Industriae Den Haag Den Haag, Netherlands
--RKD Registratie 309687 Rijksdienst Kunsthistorische Documentatie., Netherlands https://rkd.nl/nl/explore/artists/record?query=ciska+de+hartogh&start=0
Secondary art-related activities
2020 - 2020Webinar on the enpowernment of the position of Artists On-going
2018 - 2020Art consultancy and exhibition AIDS Conferences
2016 - 2019Burning Man The Netherlands Member Thinktank
2014 - 2018Sea First Foundation advise and execution artprojects nature conservation
2010 - 2010Contributor Green Life Style Filmfestival UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
2007 - 2014Artworkshops Arms Around You
2006 - 2020Interactive Artprojects Nature Conservation On-going
2005 - 2021Board of Oleanworld Foundation On-going