"MAPS and FLAGS, II. European Lithography Days"
Allianz Grafiekprijz 2008
Yuki hatazawa: "My art is the visualization of my hidden emotions. These emotions are not only necessarily positive ones. I have great fear for the outer world, jealousy for other people, sad memories and individual complexes. I think the combination of these chaotic emotions is myself. However, it is painful for me to see my ugly parts. Thus I try to separate these negative emotions from myself. Because I also felt embarrassed to show the ugly side of my emotion to people. I take a nicer looking mask for the outside world and even lose sight of my real feeling. However, my hidden emotions cannot cease to exist, and it suddenly appears under the inspiration of life. When I feel touched by people, I realized I have large feelings and view of the outer world.
My emotions transform and propagate while they retire into myself. They combine with imagination and form symbolic motives. These motives construct my emotional world as a picture. My work is mainly two-dimensional, in black and white, because the simple colors can make a clear picture of what kind of things I have in my deep emotions. I made drawing and this has developed into painting, printmaking, and especially lithography. Beginning from my own emotions I create an image that is fleshed out with irony and humor. Thus I can accept my negative side.
My theme is how I accept the outer world with a positive view, under human depression and a problem of communication. Instead of cutting off the ugly part of life, I would like to change those things into a more wealthy meaning for my world. Through this process, I realize the meaning of two worlds between which I necessarily spend my life, like day and night, good and bad, and me and other people. Our world has gigantic problems with miscommunication between different cultures. Thus I just keep expressing my small emotional world for other people as an artist".
Curriculum vitae
2006 - 2008Fine Arts, Graphic Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2001 - 2004Painting, Printmaking Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan diploma
2014Graphic Biennale Pulchi Studio Group
2013Bienal de Cerveira Bienal de Cerveira, Portugal Group
2012OYUKI Lithography and Drawings Marcello's Art Factory, Den Haag Holland. Lithography Solo
2012Wij drukken bij de Grafische Werkplaats1 HKK, Den Haag, Holland, Lithography Group
2011Klassiek hedendaags Allard Pieson Museum, Amsterdam, Holland Group
2011Contemporary view-ancient Cultures Herakleidon Museum, Athene, Greece Group
2010Yuki Hatazawa solo exibition Gallery-Cafe Relax, Dusseldorf, Germany Solo
2009"Trio exhibition" Gallery Rehorst, Den Haag, Holland Group
2008“Yuki Hatazawa, Asian Black ~from ink and my heart” Gallery De Fietsenstalling, Den Haag, HollandLithography, drawing Solo
2008“Eindexamexpositie KABK” KABK Den Haag Holland. Lithography, drawing Group
Bienal de Cerveira, workshop Printmaking
CN project in Porto Printmaking
Contemporary view-ancient Cultures project Printmaking
Groot Grafiek project Printmaking
2015Ohisama-book project Publish in Japan Visual design finished
2012Grote Haagse Kunstkalender 2013 Den Haag/ the Netherlands produce a print making
2010Sukebe-Ningen Den Haag, Liden, Amsterdam/ the Netherlands Visual design finished
2009SBK&Allard Pieson Museum Amsterdam/the Netherlands produce a print making
Sales/Works in collections
2008Allianz kunst collectie 2008 Holland
2011Klassiek hedendaags SBK Kunstuitleen Exhibition catalogue
2009OYUKI= Yuki Hatazawa Drawing&Lithography Self publish Art book
2008Allianz KUNST&WIJN 2008-2009 AllianzN.L. Collection catalogue
Awards and grants
2012Nominated. Lithography Graphic Biennale, Munch
20081st prize. Lithopgraphy, drawing Talens Aanmoedingingsprijs KABK
20081st prize, Lithography Allianz Nederland Grafiekprijs
2002Drawing Prof. Kyotaro Hakamada Prize, in Promotion competition at Musashino Art University, Japan
--Gallery Rehorst Den Haag, the Netherlands
--Allianz Kunst Collectie the Nethelands
Secondary art-related activities
2011 - --Give a lessen of illustration
2009 - --Produce design as illustrator
2009 - --Give museum guide and lecture for tourist