Here is a score where there are variations in duration. Of how long figures stay in a certain position. At the same time, those durations are stoppers of movement (of the light). They make pauses. Hypothesis: duration has a similar function as the shutter on the camera. It moderates the movement and makes it manageable. I called this kind of shape of course staircase. But cluster when in motion. Our gaze directs to the center of the screen The lowest step of the stair is essential. It provides a bottom.
To the two already known sequences is added a new sequence in which meaning is not plural but singular. HY Waterbolk. Independant artist.
The three series defined. They have become one single thing, or better body.. .H Y Waterbolk Independent artist.
Notations of movements as recorded in animation program Director 8. You can compare sound waves and my “image frequencies" This is because sound has its own frequency (pitch). In a a cluster there is a second frequency that determines how often sound tones return in a loop. Similarly, the figures in my animation also have their own frequency and they have a frequency of movement that tells how fast the figures move across the screen.
MUSIC HALFTRIBE COMPOSITION UNTIL Figurations group 2 (stills) over it the jaggies of the same group .
Double track Music A Winged Victory for the Sullen. 'So That The City Can Begin To Exist.' Composers Adam Wiltzie, Dustin O'Halloran. Dynamic chord. Vibration of image and sound continuing on the timeline from the past to the future. The wavelengths on which the figures move are those of the jaggies.
Componist Tim Hecker Black Refraction Three Line Segments. While I listen. Tim Hecker flips his composition at the end of his piece. He breaks the melodic line. Two lines are cut at an angle on two sides.
The song of desire through all the din. Boards of Canada Constants are changing. I took their tune as an example and repeated it once. Boards of Canada Constants are changing Lure
Origin of the abimes. The film or picture plane containing an image group. On it a plane 2x smaller. that contains a following figuration. The abime series is the third of my series and concludes the other two.
Composer William Craig SECOND LENS For a while, I have played DJ, exploring the connection between electronic music and my work. The composer creates the sounds of the camera. the metal blades of the diafragm making a bigger or a smaller hole. Focusing. The passage the light makes from the lens to the sensors.That corridor inside the photo camera described and made expressive, with sound , immediately reminds of Freud .who was the first to make a connection between that dark corridor and the unconscious. His dual scheme of the conscious and unconscious (A and B) is reflected in my system, Thanks to the stills made up of composite image frequencies, I can override that conscious/unconscious dichotomy .
Why a new kind of symbol? She is a deepest impression. And a logical consequence of the extension of the radius of the circle through which the very first image was generated. Old file from plus minus 2008. On Stroom web site 2024. Tuning fork.
I chose the tail of the same composition (by the composer Felix Rösch) to show the layering of the sound waves.... Piling up like the layers of undulations in my scores. See Electronic Studio. At the heart of the abime there is the smallest square. The shapes look differeent there. There is change in kind. See the overturning of the waves on the shore.
The smallest cutout from from figure group 3 became the deepest impression in the abime. 2007. That's how I got the image of a symbol. On web 2024.
My image mixed with an excerpt from Deaf Center's music. 'Ascent'. Electronic with acoustic instruments. Image: an engine of emerging emotion.
Music FELIX RÖSCH Interlude II A line segment hides a plane within itself. From Vectorworks files 2006/2008.
The mentals before going 'interval'. Before I start assigning them their frequency,
Music PETER BRODERICK Eyes closed and traveling. Piano day! 2016. In music, too, repetition creates pattern in . Pattern, in turn, makes melody, Studio work for the Concretes and previous work.. Merged 2024. It becomes a new work. The music of Peter Broderick joins as good company.
Laying down the process. Picture superiority. My images are not language on the contrary. But they have language..
In the back : the concept. In front its execution. Crystallisation of the image making..
Music DEAF CENTER - Hunted twice. Abîme or telescopage of the square inward. The parallelogram iwith a line through it, is it a message? Maybe.
Composers Bing & Ruth. Electric pulses give a similar or ikonic connection. There is involuntary resemblance to universal sounds, whistling of the wind, bellowing of the masses, groans. They are embodied in electronic music without posturing. // Symbols. 'Made possible' by series 1.
Music DEAF CENTER. The clearing. On this section of the roadway. The abimes are from 2006 / 7 /8 (prints on paper and on canvas), but not yet tried out on the screen.. At that time I wanted to know what the target or rather the purpose of the very first figure was. The trip.
A balance obtained.
Music: Bing & Ruth - As Much as Possible Coda or tail. Or queue, CODA last part of a musical composition. Electronic sound was added to the piano playing via a mixing desk and microphones.
Composition and song Metallica Fear combined with Fade to Black. The meaning of Abime is Abyss. FEAR
Reply to pendant 1. Four figures. Compare Old Russian metal icons They have an eyelet with which they hang on the wall or around the neck. That eyelet was already cast along with the figure. Was part of the design.
The Shining 1 In front: the execution. In the back shines the concept. The litteral and the figurative intersect.
Walk the walk. Return to the source. Renew, refresh. Pulse gun.
Pendant 1 Hangs on a hook. Four figures. Emotion as engine. The engine starts with fits and starts. Think of movie scene from The Magnificent Ambersons. You can hang the artwork on any part.
As far as... Plateau 50 x 50 cm Front end, back end.
In so far as... Sound rhyme and image rhyme 2022-2023 Plateau 50 x 50 cm 4 squares of 25cm.
Music MOGWAI Remurdered. Half science, half magic. That describes well the intermediary process. ------ back to website for 'the skin in the game'. https://www.waterbolk.com/headers/transmission/emergent.html As for sound: first you had the acoustic signal. That converted into an electronic analogue signal. The microphone was responsible for this conversion. Recording of The Doors from 1970. Robbie Krieger. The First of the Firsts rotated 180 degrees.
Music MOGWAI . Composition 'I am Jim Morrison, I am dead'. The animation of the figuresfrom 1989 Blank Movie. The abstract animation is from 1999. Mitsubishi. Put together, they are something new.
wo animations from different periods put together. Blank Movie cut 4 1989. Mitsubishi 1999. You can see here the tail end of movement 1. A sinus wave. It takes the longest, arrives last. The figure interpreting movement 6 ( de square) interrupts. Movement 6 or the top of the wave. You can slide the different parts of the compositions together as if with a cocktail stick. They have a core in common, are strung on the same thread. MUSIC MOGWAI EMERGENCY TRAP
Figures Groundpiece. Steel figures collected 2018-2022.
Gravity The binding force
Grows in backyards. Movie title. The retina is at the back of the eye.
The beginning is confusing to come to clarity later. An old slide, performance 1995 Music PAREIDOLIA Zabrisky point All senses on the job.
Interplay of opposites. Dynamic duo,
Third group on table. A three quarter circle. Figures BA0200. Table divided in 25 cm grid.
The mental ones Table 75 x 75 cm AB0301
First group. On table of 100x100 cm meter. Divided into grid of 25 square centimeter. #AA0300.
The emotionals. Shapes of feeling, passion. Tafel 75x75 cm. Divided into grid of 25 cm. Short pin. The composition seeks balance. Once found, pinned to table.
Steel figures since 2018. A table is a collection of related data. If you look closely, you can see that the second figure raises itself a bit. Center of all encounters for a given time.
The feeling forms taking the stairs. Or programming the slant line: one pixel to the right, one pixel up. One pixel to the right, one pixel up. But also one right, one reverse, turn over. One right, one reverse, turn over..
I understood that this was my ideal size. Diameter circle (and its follow uo elements) 1024 mm. Why? If I wanted to go bigger, the pin would get the size of a pile.
The architecture of the world. Free-standing A long pin did the trick. #AB0101 These are my ideal sizes.
Accumulations of cubes..5 Columns. 2018 Go to the Electronic Studio. "Scenes". Stills from timage frequencies.
Five rectangular cubes. The color red wants to be first.,
The pins allow them to be put in the earth . The joints are invisible. Connected using wood dowels. For the parallelogram, 2 wood connections were made because that figure is not allowed to rotate.
The lure of the the (nude) image. 2018/2019
The third group. The physical. Acéphale One of the four Transmittors, Messengers. # BA3201 Now to be free-standing! If possible. Diameter Circle 2048 mm. Etc Utrecht.
The movie was almost finished end 2016. Due to some setbacks,I left it at that. It is finished now, The piece is a bit too long but I wanted to continue the melodic line.
Allegory The movie was made back in 2015. I put it on the site anyway. 'Interval' is about intercession. I can describe the movements of the figures as "displacements" and "condensations". Terminology used by the renowned psychiatrist duo of the last century . This info is from the year 2022. I called them "processions" after the Bataclan killings.
Exposition with the Concrete Grouo. Zoetermeer. For the xy coordinates on the wall see my own website. Waterbolk.com Home page bottom right. 'Rods"
Between 2013 and 2015. I tried to have the figures stand alone. The material mdf was too soft, Everything came loose. Later, I found waterproof plywood.
The animation takes on the moods of the music. There is a dialogue going on. Between image and sound. Line segments, sticks, bars.Versions in wood and aluminium.
Two impressios mixed. The console on which you place an icon. A console entering data into the computer.
First page of a booklet to be made.
Connect a printer to a computer. Connecting one case to another. Establish an interface. Plug in. Utrecht 2012 / 2013.
Group AB The mentals. Thinking processes. Anschauung. Series number. #AB3101. Diameter largest form - 'impicite circle ' - 2048mm. Binding and breaking. All Thirds 'include'. Pulchri The Concretes.
2x 6 Elements. The residual figure divided into four. Hünfeld 2011. Utrecht. 2013 . Berlin 2017. Constructed from a center anywhere on a wall.. Performed permutations on the rods.
Mix of two sensations.
I had the figures plug into the square. to make an common boundary or interface.
Access to the set of figures. Composition # AA1101 Diameter circle 1024 mm. Etc.
After the Counter Paintings there remained a need to work monumentally. A long print, I tried to apply the pattern directly to the wall with a long stencil That failed.. Above the print an abime on canvas. The Line Segment surrounded by three outlines.
Record of a moment in time.. In it a glance.
A moment in time. In it a glance. Depth scanning. See scores.
Stacking image frequencies resulted in compositions.Each figurethat each figure is on a different wavelength. Togetther they are a composition. Booklet made 2008. Booklets exhibited 2013.
The remainders in combination with the figures. Counterpainting shown in Germany. A second one exists. Rotated 180 degree.
The figures caught my attention. They just stayed in place. On canvas or was it on screen?
Mondrian House Amersfoort. The figures are placed according to the positions of their scores.2004.Read the Brandenburger Zeitung for the review.
An image and sound production with Justin Bennet. Animation stills to be seen in website.
Performance 4 Theatre Zeebelt. From series 1. First Set. The emotionals. They unfold themselves. Forms of feeling, passion..
Scanning depths. Omstreeks 1992 'Scenes' or stills cut from the animation scores.
Extra Time is added Movements 2 through 5 are sandwiched between the lowest and highest frequency The three categories of series 1 show up.
Blank film. This 1989 film was put on Utube in 2014.... 25 Years after its first performance in New York. Before and afterword were made for Utube in 2014. Performed on Zeebelt in 1990. Is it bad that it says 1991? No. from 1889 to 2014 is a generation later. It's okay to be wrong about a year. It was a productive year. I did hatch more eggs. It is this zero movement that made new combinations possible. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Frequencies only. They have a relative difference in time of duration among each other.
Thanks to the computer I was able to discover the series residual figure. Composition # BB3101 is the last image, The next one is the the maker of the 'doublecode"teh ''Chain' strain. A weakening that turns out to be a strengthening. Moviecamera model.
Performance 3 Animation Composition with 'remainders'.
The figures disappear into the computer They unlock a virtual space .
Performance 2 A grey device. Apple CI. Animated projection of the surplus Device Apple CI. Color: grey.
Drawing made for Ger Kouwenberg. who taught me computer.drawing. Computer Apple SE/30.
First figure, first group. Projected on a side wall of the theater.
That mysterious primal - device. It projects behind the heads of the movie audience. You are in contact with the characters of the movie in a free space.
Flat representation of the traffic light device. The workings of the coloured lights in a big city. The roaming lights and thre standing lights.
The blow that gets things going..
The first drawing is by Soll Lewitt. Copied with blue marker in 1983 / 1984 Migration of a drawing to another continent. Catalogue Moma Washington DC 1978 Eugene Delacroix was in that period my influence. By this drawing I discovered 'Time' .
'Symptom ' is the original titel. Last painting Wide brush 1983
That is why the Sign looks differently!
Working through the photography model. The captured photo image goes first into a fixer bath and then into a developer bath. The Sign goes into a fixer and developer bath for a second time!
Cracking the code
Self Loss
Brightening Cracking the code 1982/1983
Transformations . At the sugar cube, wait for it to melt.
drawing 1982/83
Light and form On their way.
After my stay in the Netherlands moved to the US where I among other things was inspired by Claes Oldenburg's Mickey Mouse figures. Fusion of film figure and film camera 1978 /1981 Fusion between film and public. Crossing borders.
Away from the light stimulus / toward the light stimulus. Swarms. Masses.
Away from the light stimulus towards it. Deception of nature, also plays in the city..The insect taking on another color.
Light and form. On the way.
Light and form. On the way. Expansion of molecular shapes. 1981/1982
The trembling of the air above the warmed asphalt. It seems as if the image you catch is dancing. Illusion is a creation of nature itself.
Silvery grains on the film surface. (In my case, it is the action on the indivisible chemical element Ferro. I do confuse that element with the "molecule" but that is a misnomer.)
Color, action and direction appeared. // I learned that nature 'imagines' itself. A car is not the same as a molecule but their appearances can sometimes be translated into each other.
I use in my notes from that time the word 'taxis' meaning order or arrangement How an organism moves in response to a stimulus. In my case light. A directed movement towards or away from a light stimulus.
In a chemical process, there is a sudden appearance.
I had just returned from the United States, where you drive on wide highways. On the horizon you could see cars coming at you in bunches, dancing in the vibrating warm air. Sometimes sparks splashed from reflecting light. The scene was not inferior to the scene I assumed in the Cambo space. ------ Asphalt is light sensitive. If light is added it involves a chemical process .
In about 1977 I had the opportunity to work with a technical camera. I was at the Free Academy in The Hague at the time. The Cambo differed from an ordinary camera Its body was spacious. But what was important was that in this device at its back you had to slide in a cassette imbedding a 5x7 cm flat film. You looked at the frosted glass. Everything in order? Camera in focus? Shutter closed. Cassette in at the top. Then slide up and the light could fall on the sensitive plate. Take a picture, press the shutter, then slide down. Tangible was how through the lens a trip was made to that rectangular piece of 5x7 cm film. You felt concretely what happened on that tactile layer. That the light would actively act on the silver molecules (metal atoms) and that the light-sensitive layer would react.... 1977. Translation of that experience in small paintings 1981. See above. I operated the camera on the left side, the shutter was on the right side. To press the shutter you reached over the camera. Hey, ho, I performed this operation 6 times, at the end it was routine.
2 x 2 cruciform patterns. Last of the oblong null paintings. Two models. Light, lens sensitive plate. Light, lens, brain. And their doubling.
Making the road physical.
A pattern of six nulls of grey and six nulls of black. At that time I was familiar with the Braille script.
Marking with electric yellow and red lights Columns of 8 zero's.
Null painting Circularity of gameboard. A game without winners.
Null painting Zero painting. Quick brushstroke.
Creating values.
The slate and the stylus are auxliliairies. Blind persons see with their sense of touch. Thailand Bangkok. 1969-1974. // . Scroll up The first group of works until "jumping lights" is and was my foundation. The indispensable grounding. Zie Electronic Studio..
A theoretical website at first. Images/texts
www.waterbolk.comMember of Artists’ Initiative/Collective/Incubator
Curriculum vitae
1993 - 2000Computeranimation, webdesign, School of Visual Arts New York
1979 - 1980Painting, sculpture Corcoran School of Art Washington DC
1973 - 1977painting, print, photography Vrije Academie den Haag
1968 - 1969screen printing, sculpture VA Den Haag
1961 - 1968French language and litterature Rijksuniversiteit Groningen diploma
2017Punkt, Linie, Fläche, Körper, Raum Germany Berlin, Germany A 'Wunderkammer' felizhof@kuenstlerhof.com Group
2016Added Value Galeriel Niek Waterbolk Utrecht, Netherlands Objects, sculptures, photo's Solo
2014Concrete Now Spazio Offices Zoetermeer, Netherlands Two Wall Objects with rods terra-artprojects.com Group
2013The 'Concreten' East + West Pulch The Hague, Netherlands monumental Group
2013In the Gaps of Consciousness Galerie Niek Waterbolk Utrecht, Netherlands Objects Solo
2011Line concepts Osnabrück Osnabrück, Germany One Picture show Group
2011Six Elements 'Museum of Modern Art' Huenfeld , Germany Four Compostions with six Rods Group
2011The dream of the artist The Fourth Dimension Plasmolen, Netherlands Experiment Computer/Photo "La Profonde Photo" Galerie verdwenen Group
2009Horizontals im Fläche und raum Kunstverein Wiligrad Schwerin, Germany Scenes Computer-generated painting and sculptures www.kunstverein-wiligrad.de Group
2005Heirs of Mondrian Mondriaanhuis Amersfoort, Netherlands Computer-generated paintings, and computer- animation www.mondriaanhuis.nl Group
2004Die Erben Mondrians Galerie des Kulturforums Ehrfurt Duitsland Erfurt, Germany Computer-generated paintings. Kunstmuseen Erfurtt.de Group
2003Passion of images Craze of pictures Theater Zeebelt The Hague, Netherlands Animation, music, text, exhibition of new work Sound: Justin Bennet Solo
1999Mitsubishi The Three Diamonds Theater Zeebelt The Hague, Netherlands Animation Texts Sound: Mark de Jong Solo
1995First Signs Theater Zeebelt The Hague, Netherlands Computer animation, images, texts, sound compostion. Solo
1990Translucencies Ten windows Gallery 8th Avenue New York, United States Light show with backlight and 10 translucencies Solo
1989Blank Movie Phil Niblocks New Media Center NY New York, United States computer animation composer Tom Hamilton www.experimentalintermedia.org/ Duo
1988Curbed Geometry Ludlov Street Exhibiton Space New York, United States 3 Boxes containing slides Projector as performer Group
1987Circle, square etc Zeebelt The Hague, Netherlands Performance Slides, videogame music, texts, Voice. Solo
Audio Art Festival Theater Zeebelt Zeebelt theater, Netherlands Animation and Sound
Sales/Works in collections
2024Travel Icons Sophie Arnold The Hague, Nederland Pendants. Stainless steel.
2023Solution Bart van Lierop Maastricht, Nederland Stretched cube. Linear pattern.
2015Set Origin 4 Elementen Bart van Lierop Maastricht, Nederland The last figure divided into quarters. The elements rotate around a centre point that the owner can choose on a blank wall. Instructions for use are included.
2014Con Animo Bert Bakker Amsterdam, Nederland A blue fluorescent figure fitting into a white perspex square.
2005Hallmark Erika Mösenbacher The Hague, Nederland Counterpainting 50x50 cm. Print op canvas
2009horizontal im fläche und raum kunstverein wiligrad catalogus
2006teksten 1,2,3,4 eigen uitgave (computer) alle teksten v/d performances
Awards and grants
1986interest-free loan Materiaal Fonds Netherlands performance Zeebelt Den Haag 1987