Pointing At Things Is The New Writing is a research that consist of 3 publications, the ceramic work Pre-composed Oeuvre, artist archive of phone pictures (2013—25), many conversations, an exhibition and a guided tour through all the elements.
Pointing At Things Is The New Writing is a research that consist of 3 publications, the ceramic work Pre-composed Oeuvre, artist archive of phone pictures (2013—25), many conversations, an exhibition and a guided tour through all the elements.
The Residency Tour is a performance-tour and a follow-up of The MORPHO Residency — in which you learn more about the frequently asked question ‘What do you do at a residency?’. It guides you through public and private parts of the residence and tells you interesting facts along the way. This stained glass work is part of the performance tour.
The exhibition The Maze transforms the Museum of Glass in Ebeltoft (DK) into a labyrinth, with works in stained glass created by 13 artists. In this exhibition I'm showing two of my stained-glass floorplans, The Studio Plan and The Residency Plan.
Pointing At Things Is The New Writing, the first booklet of a series of three, features the works of artist Jeannette Slütter and includes a transcription of a conversation with fellow artist Francesca Hawker. The series will delve into the concept of oeuvre, inviting the reader to participate in a dialogue about what it means, how it's defined, and how it evolves over time. We invite you to join the conversation and explore the world of oeuvre with us, and we hope to meet each other again in the second and third booklet. Made possible by the generous contribution of Stroom Den Haag and Stichting Stokroos
The MORPHO residency is a work in which participants learn more about the frequently asked question ‘What do you do at a residency?’. It guides you through public and private parts of the residence and tells you interesting facts along the way. The tour was part of Table Sessions, which is a serie of dinners organized by residents of MORPHO. In collaboration with Michelle Woods (Table Dance).
The MORPHO residency is a work in which participants learn more about the frequently asked question ‘What do you do at a residency?’. It guides you through public and private parts of the residence and tells you interesting facts along the way. The tour was part of Table Sessions, which is a serie of dinners organized by residents of MORPHO. In collaboration with Michelle Woods (Table Dance).
It draws attention to objects that we would normally look over. With objects that seem familiar – but executed in a different scale – I created a performative setting. I used photography to play with the idea of the past, present and future: can a photograph also be a harbinger of the near future, or is it always a document from the past? Writer and artist Katinka van Gorkum added a textual contribution to the work, so that together these elements create a poetic experience of this short journey.
It draws attention to objects that we would normally look over. With objects that seem familiar – but executed in a different scale – I created a performative setting. I used photography to play with the idea of the past, present and future: can a photograph also be a harbinger of the near future, or is it always a document from the past? Writer and artist Katinka van Gorkum added a textual contribution to the work, so that together these elements create a poetic experience of this short journey.
Graduation work for the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp. This installation was shown in the directors office and consist of ceramic objects and a video with voice-over (7’00).
Graduation work for the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp. This installation was shown in the directors office and consist of ceramic objects and a video with voice-over (7’00).
Graduation work for the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp. This installation was shown in the directors office and consist of ceramic objects and a video with voice-over (7’00).
This is a documentation video is to show the whole installation.
Solo show, Moira Utrecht
Performance, RESET at the Salone Del Mobile, Milan
Performance, RESET at the Salone Del Mobile, Milan
Installation at Spaces The Hague
Installation at Spaces The Hague
Installation at my graduation KABK
Installation at my graduation KABK
Personal website
www.jeannetteslutter.nlArtist initiative
daisy-chain.nlSocial media
Member of Artists’ Initiative/Collective/Incubator
Locatie Z- Daisy Chain
Member of a professional association/artists’ association
Platform BK
Curriculum vitae
2020 - 2021InSitu3 - Fine Arts MA Koninklijke Academie van Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen, België diploma
2013 - 2015Fine Arts Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2009 - 2013Photography Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten
2024Pointing at Things is the New Writing Page Not Found Den Haag, Netherlands During the weekend of my Book Launch I could show the whole project. Which is are the publications, ceramic works and performance. Solo
2024The Maze Glas Ebeltoft, Denmark, Denmark The Maze presents works by some of Denmark's most renowned artists who have worked with stained glass. The exhibition combines works by two younger artists, Esben Weile Kjær (DK) and Dutch artist Jeannette Slütter, with works on loan from glazier Per Steen Hebsgaard, who has collaborated closely with renowned artists for many years. www.glaskunst.dk/labyrinten Group
2023A face appeared in the window Kransen Antwerp, Belgium Duo exhibition with Francesca Hawker www.jeannetteslutter.nl/expo-at-kransen Duo
2023A fragile relationship in a sturdy facade Art au Centre Liege, Belgium Group
2022Amsterdam Ferry Festival Amsterdam Ferry Festival Amsterdam, Netherlands Exhibition where each artist was asked to make a work on a ferry in Amsterdam. I made a work with a textual support by Katinka van Gorkum www.amsterdamferryfestival.nl Group
2021Master Expo Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Belgium Master graduation show at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp www.ap-arts.be
2020Stop it N0dine Brussel, Belgium Collaboration project with Sara ten Westenend & Caroline Ruijgrok Group
2020Raus Mestlab 31 Arhnem, Netherlands Group exhibition in the Coehoorn Park www.mestlab31.com/raus---mestlab31.html Group
2019Testcase X0 Ekwc Oisterwijk, Netherlands Final presentation of the artist in residence period. Group
2018Screen Spaces Matthew Gallery New York City, United States Installation colab with Koos Breen Group
2017moNUment Kunstvlaai, SSBA salon Amsterdam, Netherlands Playtime, Kunstvlaai 11th edition, in collaboration with Windmakers initiative, www.kunstvlaai.nl/2017/#event_9 Group
2017It doenst stop starting Moira exhibition space Utrecht, Netherlands Solo show Solo
2016Buoyancy Art The Hague The Hague Part of the group show Dirty Daisies, as a experimental sister from the fair. www.jeannetteslutter.nl/buoyancy/ Group
2016Opdoeken Salon Del Mobile Milan, Italy As part of the exhibition Reset Group
2015Steengoed, Uitstekend, Oplopend Locatie Z, Villa Ockenburg The Hague, Netherlands The Tongue of The Chameleon locatiez.net/nl/#/nl/program/zzondag-the-tongue-of-the-chameleon/ Group
International exchanges/Residencies
2020Nadine, Belgium Brussel, Belgium Collab with Caroline Ruijgrok and Sara ten Westenend index.nadine.be/caroline-ruijgrok-jeannette-slutter-sara-ten-westenend-at-n0dine/
2019EKWC - European Ceramic Workcenter, Oisterwijk, NL Oisterwijk, Netherlands Artist in residence sundaymorning.ekwc.nl/participant/jeanette-slutter/
2024Dutch more or less Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, Netherlands In collaboration with designer Koos Breen. nieuweinstituut.nl/projects/dutch-more-or-less finished
2020Set Stage Screen: Realities of Postproduction Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, Netherlands Set design for the Set Stage Screen exhibition, as a follow-up to For the Record. In collab with designer Koos Breen. fortherecord.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/activiteiten/set-stage-screen-realities-postproduction finished
2018For the Record Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, Netherlands Installation for a year long program around video culture. In collaboration with designer Koos Breen. fortherecord.hetnieuweinstituut.nl finished
2024Pointing at things is the new writing Book Unformed Informed Jeannette Slütter The Hague , Netherlands www.jeannetteslutter.nl/pointing-at-things-is-the-new-writing-project Pointing At Things Is The New Writing is a research that consist of 3 publications, the ceramic work Pre-composed Oeuvre, artist archive of phone pictures (2013—25), many conversations, a text by Alicia Melzacka, an exhibition and a guided tour through all the elements.
2023Pointing at things is the new writing Book Unformed Informed Jeannette Slütter Den Haag, Netherlands unformedinformed.com/Pointing-At-Things-Is-The-New-Writing-Jeannette-Slutter-2023 Artist publication
2023Cover Assignment Hart Magazine Jeannette Slütter Antwerp, Belgium hart-magazine.be/artikels/hart-232-nu-in-de-winkel Details opzoeken 795 / 5.000 Vertaalresultaten Vertaalresultaat star_border Artist Jeannette Slütter (1988, Netherlands) provided the instructions for this month's cover. Andreas Depauw then translated it into the final form. Slütter challenged us to put on the cover the names of all persons and art collectives mentioned in this issue. It is striking that the main articles (without setting quotas) are devoted to four women, a queer person, two non-binary people and an art collective. But of the total of 233 names that appear in the articles, only ninety-five are of women. We would therefore do well not only to work on the visible perception in the future, but to sharpen our attention to the real, often invisible figures and facts.
2020Stroom Invest interviews / artist Jeannette Slütter Jegens & Tevens Liza Voetman Den Haag, Netherlands jegensentevens.nl/2020/08/stroom-invest-interviews-artist-jeannette-slutter/ Stroom Invest interviews
2017Over Kaders Tubelight Marjolein van de Ven Rotterdam, Netherlands www.tubelight.nl/over-kaders/ interview with an artwork
2017The Art of The Cover Up The Contributor magazine, Marco Pecorari Stockholm, Sweden contributormagazine.com/surfaces-of-real-interview-with-artist-jeannette-slutter/ Interview in a fashion magazine
2015grijze vloer Metropolis M Julia Steenhuisen Den Haag, Netherlands www.metropolism.com/nl/reviews/23907_kabk Interview about my graduation project published in the magazine
2024Review Group Exhibition Magazine Emma Park New York , United States urbanglass.org/glass/issue/fall-2024-176
Awards and grants
2020CultuurFondsBeurs Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Beurs Netherlands Grant for studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, at InSitu3 - Fine Arts.
2019Ekwc project Stichting Niemeijer Fonds Subsidy grant for the Ekwc project
2019Pro invest subsidie Pro Invest Subsidy, Stroom Den Haag
2019Ekwc PRO Onderzoek, Stroom Den Haag
2016Pro invest subsidie STROOM, Den Haag
2015Aanmoedings Invest Award STROOM, Den Haag
Secondary art-related activities
2023 - 2023Lecturer at KABK On-going
2023 - 2025Co-director Platform BK
2022 - 2023Mentor at Stroom Invest Award
2019 - 2019Guest Lecturer
2017 - --Daisy Chain On-going
2016 - 2020PIP expo
2016 - 2017Windmakers