The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
In dit filmpje is een compilatie te zien van vier bijeenkomsten waaruit fragmenten zijn geselecteerd van verschillende bijzondere momenten uit de praktijk van Inge van Mill tussen 2016 - 2019. 1. 'Nederland fotografeert' In samenwerking met Kamera Express, NRC & Canon, wordt iedere maandeen fotograaf een dag tijdens een fotoshoot gevolgd. In oktober 2016 is het thema kleur. Cameraman Eric van Vuuren van Creativeric volgde fotograaf Inge van Mill tijdens haar fotoshoot met dansers Jozefien Debaillie & Rubén Garcia Arabit van Scapino Ballet. 2. Omroep West: 'West Safari' Rob Vlastuin verslaggever van Omroep West reist tijdens de 'West Safari' kris kras door de regio op zoek naar spontane, bijzondere verhalen. In februari 2016 gaat hij op 'Safari' met fotograaf Inge van Mill en dansers Jozefien Debaillie & Rubén Garcia Arabit van Scapino Ballet in Rotterdam. 3. Opening expositie Isabouckar! Op 25 januari 2016 vindt de opening plaats van de expositie Isabouckar van Inge van Mill in het atrium van het stadhuis in Den Haag. Tijdens de opening geeft Bas van der Kruk gedrenkt in rode verf een performance over het witte tapijt. Op de achtergrond bespeeld Eva van Schaik de cello met muziek van Bach. De expositie was te zien t/m 12 februari 2016. 4. Uitgelicht: interview fotojournalistiek Tijdens de World Press Photo expositie in december 2019 in de Grote Kerk in Zwolle wordt Inge van Mill geïnterviewd door Eva Hoogland over de fotojournalistiek tijdens een uitzending van Uitgelicht; een initiatief van studenten journalistiek van Windesheim in Zwolle. Met dank aan alle betrokkenen.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
In this recent project Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future. The unrest, dissatisfaction and tensions I’ve observed are alienating and in a sense frightening and overwhelming; where is society and the world going? The challenges humanity faces are immense and will have to be faced in order to bring change at all. In these turbulent times, prevailing power structures, values and norms are being questioned and challenged. The human dimension and the importance of the individual have been subordinated to current systems. Strong interests exist to maintain systems. Choices have been made to cut back on social structures, on which foundations for society and democracy are based. The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the security of humanity. All kinds of abuses, from climate change via the history of slavery and migration to criminality in the upper echelons are becoming more visible, it seems as if the world is built from parallel worlds. From my necessity as a photojournalist and artist to give interpretation and to clarify things, I began to unravel the complexity that I’ve experienced and witnessed. Making the invisible visible from my imagination, bringing the undercurrents to the surface, showing the factual observations and meld both worlds together. Each image is created intuitively and tells its own layered story. These composite images are built from my photojournalistic and daily life archive. The alienation these images evoke, I see as a wonderful spectacle that takes place in a surrealistic and magic-realistic world. I invite the viewer to view the images in an unbiased and open-minded way. The project originated last year (2021) and will continue to expand.
The Brink 2020 launched the outdoor Art in Rotterdam with a performance by BAS & Whitney Selina on the 5th of June 2020. The Brink 2020, covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. The art project was seen in the public on outdoor panels from 5 – 16 June 2020 in Rotterdam, in The Hague from 23 – 31 August 2020. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague.
Live interview by Eric Korsten about The Brink 2020 at Kunstlicht The Hague FM. The photo book orginate at the printer Zwaan Lenoir and bookbinder Voetelink.
The Brink 2020, exhibit on billboards in public space from 23 – 31 August 2020 in The Hague and in Rotterdam from 5 – 16 June 2020. The project covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague.
Photo book Het Kantelpunt 2020 *Specifications photo book: Flatbook – edition 220 Offset print – full colour – NL & ENG Hard cover – 68 pages + 71 photos Portrait format 28 x 20 cm Book design: Iris Mechielsen Printing: Zwaan Printmedia Binding: Voetelink
Awakening to a new reality. The pandemic arrives as an unpleasant surprise and is accompanied by a lot of uncertainty and fear. There is a run on toilet paper, resulting in empty shelves, the epitome of survival instinct. The toilet roll as a weapon in the corona battle, the human being trapped in a web of selfishness and locked in an “intelligent lockdown.” On all sides, the gates crack and the walls are bursting. For how long will our government be able to maintain these restrictions and restrain the people? The global economy comes to a standstill. Financial gain is above human interest. How is the individual able to survive this crisis? Our surroundings change overnight, suddenly there are arrows everywhere, tape, transparent screens, facemasks; the one-and-a-half-metre society is created. The current reality is alienating, surreal almost, we find ourselves in a new world in which the rules of the game have yet to be discovered. It feels like we woke up on another planet. Is our humanity still intact or does the survival of the fittest apply? An intriguing rendition of the corona era in motion. Dancers are the ideal metaphor for human behaviour: the condition humaine. BAS & Whitney Selina embody and express The Brink 2020 through their physical expressions of their emotions and feelings in relation to the corona crisis. Their internal expierence is projected into the outside world; a new synergistic reality emerges in images.
Photo book Het Kantelpunt 2020 *Specifications photo book: Flatbook – edition 220 Offset print – full colour – NL & ENG Hard cover – 68 pages + 71 photos Portrait format 28 x 20 cm Book design: Iris Mechielsen Printing: Zwaan Printmedia Binding: Voetelink Awakening to a new reality. The pandemic arrives as an unpleasant surprise and is accompanied by a lot of uncertainty and fear. There is a run on toilet paper, resulting in empty shelves, the epitome of survival instinct. The toilet roll as a weapon in the corona battle, the human being trapped in a web of selfishness and locked in an “intelligent lockdown.” On all sides, the gates crack and the walls are bursting. For how long will our government be able to maintain these restrictions and restrain the people? The global economy comes to a standstill. Financial gain is above human interest. How is the individual able to survive this crisis? Our surroundings change overnight, suddenly there are arrows everywhere, tape, transparent screens, facemasks; the one-and-a-half-metre society is created. The current reality is alienating, surreal almost, we find ourselves in a new world in which the rules of the game have yet to be discovered. It feels like we woke up on another planet. Is our humanity still intact or does the survival of the fittest apply? An intriguing rendition of the corona era in motion. Dancers are the ideal metaphor for human behaviour: the condition humaine. BAS & Whitney Selina embody and express The Brink 2020 through their physical expressions of their emotions and feelings in relation to the corona crisis. Their internal expierence is projected into the outside world; a new synergistic reality emerges in images.
Photo book Het Kantelpunt 2020 *Specifications photo book: Flatbook – edition 220 Offset print – full colour – NL & ENG Hard cover – 68 pages + 71 photos Portrait format 28 x 20 cm Book design: Iris Mechielsen Printing: Zwaan Printmedia Binding: Voetelink
Photo book Het Kantelpunt 2020 *Specifications photo book: Flatbook – edition 220 Offset print – full colour – NL & ENG Hard cover – 68 pages + 71 photos Portrait format 28 x 20 cm Book design: Iris Mechielsen Printing: Zwaan Printmedia Binding: Voetelink
The Brink 2020, covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. The art project was seen in the public on outdoor panels from 5 – 16 June 2020 in Rotterdam, in The Hague from 23 – 31 August 2020. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague.
The Brink 2020, covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. The art project was seen in the public on outdoor panels from 5 – 16 June 2020 in Rotterdam, in The Hague from 23 – 31 August 2020. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague.
The Brink 2020 launched the outdoor Art in The Hague with a performance by BAS & Whitney Selina on the 23th of August 2020. The Brink 2020, covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. The art project was seen in the public on outdoor panels from 5 – 16 June 2020 in Rotterdam, in The Hague from 23 – 31 August 2020. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Kamigakari represents the elusive, between reality and fiction, in mysterious and intriguing Japan.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Energies creates reality. Reality is perceived trough filters. This colours the reality. Colouring creates confusion.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Madiba is dancing closed to Talibes childern.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Madiba is dancing closed to Talibes childern.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Alioune interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience in Senegal.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Madiba interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Madiba interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience in Senegal.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Madiba interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience in Senegal.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience in Senegal.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience in Senegal.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Madiba interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience in Senegal.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Aram interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Aram interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Aram interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Reality seems so well-defined, the intersection and overlap between reality and fiction for me it is very interesting to research and experiment. The research is about the outer visible world and the tangible inner world of experience. Senegalese dancer Aram interpret the epitome of the project Isabouckar.
Social media
Member of a professional association/artists’ association
Beroeps Organisatie Kunstenaars (BOK)
Curriculum vitae
1998 - 2002Photography Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
1994 - 1998Art school for the creative industry Sint Lucas Boxtel diploma
2021Reality seems well defined TV05 Tournooiveld 5 The Hague, Netherlands The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images. ingevanmill.nl/my-diary/solo-exhibition-reality-seems-well-defined/ Solo
2020The Brink 2020 Outdoor Art The Hague & Rotterdam, Netherlands The Brink 2020, covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. The art project was seen in the public on outdoor panels from 5 – 16 June 2020 in Rotterdam, in The Hague from 23 – 31 August 2020. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague. Awakening to a new reality. The pandemic arrives as an unpleasant surprise and is accompanied by a lot of uncertainty and fear. There is a run on toilet paper, resulting in empty shelves, the epitome of survival instinct. The toilet roll as a weapon in the corona battle, the human being trapped in a web of selfishness and locked in an “intelligent lockdown.” On all sides, the gates crack and the walls are bursting. For how long will our government be able to maintain these restrictions and restrain the people? The global economy comes to a standstill. Financial gain is above human interest. How is the individual able to survive this crisis? Our surroundings change overnight, suddenly there are arrows everywhere, tape, transparent screens, facemasks; the one-and-a-half-metre society is created. The current reality is alienating, surreal almost, we find ourselves in a new world in which the rules of the game have yet to be discovered. It feels like we woke up on another planet. Is our humanity still intact or does the survival of the fittest apply? An intriguing rendition of the corona era in motion. Dancers are the ideal metaphor for human behaviour: the condition humaine. BAS & Whitney Selina embody and express The Brink 2020 through their physical expressions of their emotions and feelings in relation to the corona crisis. Their internal expierence is projected into the outside world; a new synergistic reality emerges in images. ingevanmill.nl/artwork/het-kantelpunt-2020-the-brink/ Solo
2019Summer EXPO 2019 | Europa Museum de Fundatie Zwolle, Netherlands De facto Capital Questioning free movement in Europe. zomerexpo.nl/collectie/2019-156/ Group
2018Kamigakari & Isabouckar Annual Dutch Art Fair (ADAF) 8e Amsterdam, Netherlands Kamigakari staat voor het ongrijpbare, zich afspelend op het snijvlak tussen werkelijkheid en fictie, in het mysterieuze en intrigerende Japan. De werkelijkheid lijkt zo vastomlijnd, het snijvlak en de overlap tussen realiteit en fictie vind ik zeer interessant om te onderzoeken en mee te experimenteren. Het onderzoek gaat over de uiterlijke zichtbare wereld en de voelbare innerlijke belevingswereld wereld. Beide werelden kunnen een dialoog aangaan, samengaan, contrasteren en conflicteren, daarnaast hebben we te maken met interpretaties van de werkelijkheid. In de beelden van Kamigakari lopen verhaallijnen en gelaagdheden, deze bestaan zowel uit: de tastbare realiteit, de subjectieve belevingswereld, de gecreëerde realiteit en de samengestelde realiteit. Zo kan je ronddolen en je een eigen beleving van de werkelijkheid vormen. De mens staat hierin centraal, waarin dansers betrokken worden en zij met hun innerlijke belevingswereld; gevoelens, emoties en gedachten in contact komen met de uiterlijke zichtbare wereld. Ieder land heeft haar eigen gebruiken, gewoontes en eigenaardigheden, tevens spelen er op ieder persoonlijk vlak allerlei emoties, gedachten en gevoelens zich af. www.adaf.nl/kunstenaars/2018/1983/Inge-van-Mill/ Group
2018Isabouckar Huntenkunst 26e Ulft Isabouckar! A shout out loud for joy. Dance from the inside Iedereen heeft zijn eigen unieke belevingswereld, daarnaast bestaat er een universele menselijke lichaamstaal; waarbij energie en emoties vrijkomen. Dansers zijn als geen ander in staat deze tot uitdrukking te brengen via hun lichaamsexpressie en vormen daarmee de ideale metafoor voor het menselijke. ingevanmill.nl/artwork/isabouckar/ Group
2017Right here, Right Now! Photo Festival Naarden Naarden, Netherlands Society hardens, there is dissatisfaction and there is fear of others without knowing them personally. Prejudice and exclusion dominate and mutual distrust is growing. A breeding ground is created from which grows polarisation and discrimination, these are the order of the day. Politics, the street, the shop floor, the internet, these are all places where you can vent your opinion unfiltered. These statements will eventually affect the individual. What does this hardening do with the society, with a group and with an individual? The divisions that I perceive I see among back at Moroccan-Dutch boys. They indicate that they experience time after time they feel they are stigmatized and put aside in a negative way. The boys feel that they are seen as second-class citizens. What is the effect on someone when he isn’t treated as a full-fledged and equal person? In 2002 I made a photo report about Moroccan-Dutch boys at the Jacob van Campensquare in the Schilderswijk. Fifteen years later the debate about Moroccan boys is still going on. It seems as if little has changed to the image of these boys, which Pim Fortuyn was also already stirred. It brought me to hear the personal story of these Moroccan-Dutch boys, born in the Netherlands. This led to a personal and intimate portrait in photo and text. Most of their parents and grandparents were born in Morocco and came in the sixties/ seventies as immigrant worker to the Netherlands. The second and third generation boys grew up in the Schilderswijk where there is a street culture. How do they deal with this culture and the temptations out there. What does these guys get along, what chances do they get, how does it forms them and what choices do they make. One of the boys I interviewed, Achraf: ‘We were born in The Netherlands, we live here and we’ll never leave!’ ingevanmill.nl/artwork/tweederangsburger-2/ Group
Awards and grants
2021Reality seems well defined Stroom SPOT subsidie The Hague, Netherlands The exhibition highlights the research I’ve been conducting since 2013 into different realities that often seem fixed, but which I actually question. The image of reality that is presented to society can condition us and shape our frame of reference. By showing different perspectives, responding with my own observations, and outlining possible scenarios, I’m challenging the viewer to broaden their horizons. Both projects depict the changing world. Where is the partY…? offers a reflection on an ominous society and vision of the future and The Brink 2020 looks at the Covid-19 pandemic from an inner perspective composed of documentary images.
2021The Brink 2020 London Art Biennale London, United Kingdom Selected for the London Art Biennale with a photo from the project The Brink 2020
2020Outdoor Art The Brink 2020 Stroom Promise The Hague, Netherlands The Brink 2020, covers four different themes relating to COVID-19, which are shown in art photographs and art films. The art project was seen in the public on outdoor panels from 5 – 16 June 2020 in Rotterdam, in The Hague from 23 – 31 August 2020. *The outdoor exhibition in The Hague was possible by the Stroom Promise subsidy from Art centre Stroom The Hague. Bout the project: Awakening to a new reality. The pandemic arrives as an unpleasant surprise and is accompanied by a lot of uncertainty and fear. There is a run on toilet paper, resulting in empty shelves, the epitome of survival instinct. The toilet roll as a weapon in the corona battle, the human being trapped in a web of selfishness and locked in an “intelligent lockdown.” On all sides, the gates crack and the walls are bursting. For how long will our government be able to maintain these restrictions and restrain the people? The global economy comes to a standstill. Financial gain is above human interest. How is the individual able to survive this crisis? Our surroundings change overnight, suddenly there are arrows everywhere, tape, transparent screens, facemasks; the one-and-a-half-metre society is created. The current reality is alienating, surreal almost, we find ourselves in a new world in which the rules of the game have yet to be discovered. It feels like we woke up on another planet. Is our humanity still intact or does the survival of the fittest apply? An intriguing rendition of the corona era in motion. Dancers are the ideal metaphor for human behaviour: the condition humaine. BAS & Whitney Selina embody and express The Brink 2020 through their physical expressions of their emotions and feelings in relation to the corona crisis. Their internal expierence is projected into the outside world; a new synergistic reality emerges in images.
2020Flatbook Het Kantelpunt 2020 Crowdfund voordekunst Amsterdam, Netherlands Crowdfund voordekunst for the photo book Het Kantelpunt 2020, was achieved with 39 donors. The crowdfund has been supported with a financial donation by the Municipality of The Hague.
2019SummerEXPO Museum De Fundatie | Europe Zomerexpo/ ArtWorlds Zwolle, Netherlands Triptych ‘De facto Capital’ was shown during the SummerEXPO 2019 in museum De Fundatie in Zwolle in the Netherlands. From 25.05.2019 until 01.09.2019. Theme: Europa.
2017Honorable Mention. Category: Documentary. IPOTY London, United Kingdom IPOTY: International Photographer Of The Year) Title: 'Second-class Citizen'.
20142 prize Documentary De Zilveren Camera Netherlands Evening hearing of Syrian refugees at the IND desk in Zevenaar.
20113e prize Portrait De Zilveren Camera Netherlands Artist Jan Snoeck together with his wife Sara in his atelier in France.
20053 prize Art & Culture De Zilveren Camera Netherlands Bounce, the streetdance sensation in Rotterdam.
20042e prize Daily life De Zilveren Camera Netherlands Dutch hibernators in Benidorm.
2002Shell Young Art Award Shell Young Art Award The Hague, Netherlands Documenatry about the fourteen years old Maroccan-Dutch boy Karim, he is living in the Schilderswijk in The Netherlands.
20022e prize Documentary De Zilveren Camera Netherlands Documenatry about the fourteen years old Maroccan-Dutch boy Karim living in the Schilderswijk in The Hague, The Netherlands