This piece is part of ongoing research into the cross-modality of our senses: how they can collaborate or contradict. The window is no longer a barrier but a performative material; it allows the sounds of ice to be experienced through touch; addressing the possibilities of listening beyond the ears. The pandemic has amplified pre-existing aversions to touch; this piece is a way of playing with this exasperated trepidation. Go on: touch it
This kit will provide you with the materials needed to create the perfume ‘ArtScience Body’ yourself; already in suitable dilutions, quantities and with pipettes and a bottle for your finished perfume. Set up a miniature perfume lab at home, smell the materials separately, observe how they change when blended together, as well as over time.
My (ongoing) 2019 piece ‘Notes’ is an exploration into the potential cross-modalities of scent and sound. Combining these two physical and yet ephemeral sensory experiences into a physical and yet ephemeral object: a scented ice record. The ice record is also a visualisation of sound and scent through its sculptural physicality; bringing another sense into the realm of cross modality. The sound starts as a haunting vocal laced with a crackle of ice, the crackle slowly builds until the vocal has faded and we are left with a rhythm of the ice, akin to a heartbeat. Each performance is different, each rendition dictated by the autonomy of the ice. As the records melt, the scents captured inside are released; ozone and fresh watery notes lead into damp foliage with a slight floral edge and finally into wet earth and wood: the tension of an imminent storm. This piece is also an exploration into hyperobjects, specifically climate change and subsequently Timothy Morton’s idea of grief work: it is not just this ice but all ice through all time and space, not just these voices but all voices. Connecting to this huge, ungraspable and yet inescapable notion through the intimacy of a disappearing action.
An exploration into recall/memory and games
Collected odours from dinners including curry, pasta and stew
Participants had to pass their food to the left every minute
video, plate of cashew snacks, cashew soap, soap dish, towel, vinyl table
The pixelated aesthetics of cross stitch question our performance assumptions of wo/man versus machine. There is a constant exchange between the digital space and the tactile object – dislocating traditional forms and handcrafting the digital. Having the pieces perpendicular from the wall highlights process and ideas of touch by encouraging the haptic gaze. Obsessiveness and multiplicities run through the iconic imagery as well as the processes used: crafting an intimacy with something global.
My (ongoing) 2019 piece ‘Notes’ is an exploration into the potential cross-modalities of scent and sound. Combining these two physical and yet ephemeral sensory experiences into a physical and yet ephemeral object: a scented ice record. The ice record is also a visualisation of sound and scent through its sculptural physicality; bringing another sense into the realm of cross modality. The sound starts as a haunting vocal laced with a crackle of ice, the crackle slowly builds until the vocal has faded and we are left with a rhythm of the ice, akin to a heartbeat. Each performance is different, each rendition dictated by the autonomy of the ice. As the records melt, the scents captured inside are released; ozone and fresh watery notes lead into damp foliage with a slight floral edge and finally into wet earth and wood: the tension of an imminent storm. This piece is also an exploration into hyperobjects, specifically climate change and subsequently Timothy Morton’s idea of grief work: it is not just this ice but all ice through all time and space, not just these voices but all voices. Connecting to this huge, ungraspable and yet inescapable notion through the intimacy of a disappearing action.
Lauren Jetty Experimental Perfume: ArtScience Body This kit will provide you with the materials needed to create the perfume ‘ArtScience Body’ yourself; already in suitable dilutions, quantities and with pipettes and a bottle for your finished perfume. Set up a miniature perfume lab at home, smell the materials separately, observe how they change when blended together, as well as over time. Video by Flora Reznik Sound by Luke Evans
The haptic gaze is an important aspect of my sensory interest. A surface does not need to be physically touched in order for the body to perceive touch. 'Woman Sewing' explores this idea; using large architectural spaces to juxtapose the intimacy of a tactile action.
My (ongoing) 2019 piece ‘Notes’ is an exploration into the potential cross-modalities of scent and sound. Combining these two physical and yet ephemeral sensory experiences into a physical and yet ephemeral object: a scented ice record. The ice record is also a visualisation of sound and scent through its sculptural physicality; bringing another sense into the realm of cross modality. The sound starts as a haunting vocal laced with a crackle of ice, the crackle slowly builds until the vocal has faded and we are left with a rhythm of the ice, akin to a heartbeat. Each performance is different, each rendition dictated by the autonomy of the ice. As the records melt, the scents captured inside are released; ozone and fresh watery notes lead into damp foliage with a slight floral edge and finally into wet earth and wood: the tension of an imminent storm. This piece is also an exploration into hyperobjects, specifically climate change and subsequently Timothy Morton’s idea of grief work: it is not just this ice but all ice through all time and space, not just these voices but all voices. Connecting to this huge, ungraspable and yet inescapable notion through the intimacy of a disappearing action.
Social media
Member of Artists’ Initiative/Collective/Incubator
iii (Instrument Inventors Initiative)
Member of a professional association/artists’ association
Tottenham Hale International Studios
Curriculum vitae
2017 - 2019Master ArtScience KABK (The Hague) diploma
2017 - 2019MMus ArtScience Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2011 - 2014Fine Art, Cross Dimensions, Bachelors Central Saint Martins, London diploma
2010 - 2011UAL Level 3 Drawing Certificate Camberwell College of Art, London
2010 - 2011Fine Art Foundation Camberwell College of Art, London diploma
2021Window <3 Lab 1.2 Trixie The Hague, Netherlands Window ♥ Lab 1.2 explores the agency, story-telling, and political capabilities of seemingly inanimate objects, and presents two pieces Do Not Touch / Ice Radio by Lauren Jetty and 2 words in motion (amiga, amiga, amante) by Marta Capilla Urbano. This series began in December 2020 as a way of exploring alternative gallery show formats and ways of working during the current pandemic. www.trixiethehague.nl/events/window-%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F-lab-1-2/ Duo
2020Art & Olfaction Awards online Los Angeles, United States The institute of Art and Olfaction celebrates excellence in independent, artisan, and experimental work with scent in an annual public event. www.artandolfactionawards.org/#2020-finalists/2020overview Group
2019Possible Futures ITGWO festival Vlieland, Netherlands The art program of Into The Great Wide Open 2019 explored the future. Artists were asked to work on the theme of Possible Futures, looking for new stories and ideas for a different approach to our future. Low tech and high tech; analog and digital, but always with the aim of looking at us and our environment in a different way. This resulted in 15 works spread across the island. intothegreatwideopen.nl/programmaonderdeel/lauren-jetty Group
2019HUBS Festival Theater De Regentes Den Haag The multidisciplinary HUBS IMMERSIVE Festival welcomes a broad and curious audience. Proven adventurous art installations and brilliant (dance)performances are shown next to brand new works, commissioned by the festival team. The festival puts your sensory experience and the interaction with the works and their creators at its centre. hubsfestival.com/en/english/
2018NOITITEPER De Fabriek Eindhoven, Netherlands A week long residency at De Fabriek centred around the theme of repetition. My contributions included a kinetic olfactory sculpture, a food performance and a sound performance. www.defabriekeindhoven.nl/exhibition/noititeper-artscience-den-haag/ Group
2018Metadata: How we relate to images Lethaby Gallery London, United Kingdom A collaboration with The Warburg Institute and the International Research Project Bilderfahrzeuge.Focusing on the role of metadata in art and art history, this exhibition shares contemporary reflections on the status of data, extending beyond the digital. iconology.hypotheses.org/2057 Group
2018Food Art The Chapel Den Haag, Netherlands An exploration into the use of food within art. My contribution was an installation including cashew soap, a video and cashew based snacks. Group
2017Borderlines #2 PIP Den Haag, Netherlands An all female exhibition exploring multi-sensory space, my contribution was an olfactory installation. Group
2016Summer Salon Leyden Gallery London, United Kingdom Showcase of four artists Group
20163045 Variations on The Feast of Venus Dreamspace Gallery London Applications of various contemporary techniques to the classical Flemish Baroque masterpiece by Rubens – The Feast of Venus (1635-36) Group
2015Y Not? Espacio Gallery London, United Kingdom An exhibition exploring feminism and minorities within art. Group
2014Platform for Emerging Artists Leyden Gallery London, United Kingdom A showcase of selected recent graduates. Group
2014Creative Debuts GEM Space London A showcase of selected London based artists. Group
2013Tomb Raiders Petrie Museum London, United Kingdom Creating work through exploring the collection. Group
iii Sensory Kits iii / Instruments inventors initiative The Hague, Netherlands instrumentinventors.org/editions/ Inspired by the historical precedent of the Fluxkits published by Fluxus Editions in the 60s and 70s, iii Sensory Kits deliver physical, experiential artworks to your doorstep. The kits are original artworks, instruments, compositions and sensory exploration devices which conveniently travel in the mail to be assembled and put to use yourself, either at home or in your daily environment.
Antimundo Studio Antimundo The Hague, Netherlands oscarsantillan.com/bio-contact Lauren Jetty as collaborator. Science, fiction, and indigenous terraforming articulate together a matrix that Oscar Santillan refers to as ‘Antimundo’, which is a way of identifying or generating realities that do not fit in the world.
Intellectual Property and Scent Mediamatic Amsterdam, Netherlands www.mediamatic.net/en/page/369622/mediamatic-2018 This collaborative program explores alternative attribution and sharing strategies for the perfume industry. The program takes the shape of workshops and working groups, and will culminate with the publication of a set of recommendations for open source methodologies in scent creation, perfumery, and related practices.
Experimental Scent Summit The Institute of Art and Olfaction London, United Kingdom www.artandolfactionawards.org/summit/ An annual event organised by the Institute of Art and Olfaction, where the scent community comes together; from perfumers to artists.
Art Car Boot Fair Art Car Boot Fair London, United Kingdom
International exchanges/Residencies
2021iii Sensory Kit #2 iii - instrument inventors initiative The Hague, Netherlands ‘ArtScience Body’ is a perfume that bends notions of what is considered to be ‘perfume’ by fusing it with what people often attribute to DIY electronic music and media art: burnt electronics, hot metal, the inside of an old speaker, tobacco and soldering. instrumentinventors.org/editions/iii-sensory-kit-artscience-body/ finished
2017The Warburg Institute London finished
2015Harry Winch London finished
Sales/Works in collections
2015Rachel Hain London Purchase of work at a show.
2015Bita Maghaddam London Purchase of work at a show.
2015Alice Appleyard London Purchase of work at a show.
2015Marta Herraez London Purchase of work at a show.
2015Sarah Price London Purchase of work at a show.
2014UAL Collections London Here you’ll find costumes from the films of Stanley Kubrick, medieval manuscripts, rare fanzines and the work of famous artists, they also purchase work from promising UAL alumni. The collections are open to the public.
2018Metadata: How we relate to images The Warburg Institute London, United Kingdom Catalog and a collection of essays to sit alongside the Metadata exhibition.
2016Poor British Artist Newspaper Art Car Boot Fair group publication
2015First Thursdays: Time to reflect Elizabeth Murton - https://amatterofeverything.wordpress.com/2015/04/08/first-thursdays-time-to-reflect/ exhibition review
Awards and grants
2020Sadakichi Award for Experimental Work with Scent - Nominee Institute of Art and Olfaction Los Angeles, United States The Sadakichi Award was added as "a new category aimed at recognizing innovative uses of scent beyond the bounds of commercial perfumery" - joining the artisan and independent awards to create what was intended as a broad snapshot of the diversity and creative potential in the field of perfume.
2017Funding for the ongoing Metadata project German Federal Ministry and Education
2016Funding for Tottenham Hale International Studios Arts Council England
2016Funding for Tottenham Hale International Studios Loto
2015Access to learning fund Lord Stevenson
Secondary art-related activities
2021 - 2021Practical Application of Scent in Art - KABK/KonCon On-going
2021 - 2021Introduction into Experimental Perfumery - iii
2019 - 2019Introduction into Scent course - ArtEZ (Arnhem)
2019 - 2021Primitive Senses Workshop - KABK On-going
2018 - --Lecture at MediaMatic Odorama
2018 - --Lecture at The Experimental Scent Summit, London
2015 - 2017The House of Fairy Tales, arts education/activities
2015 - 2016Studio Director of Tottenham Hale International Studios
2014 - 2015Artistic Director of Devil Kicks Dancehall stage at Boomtown