Process video of making 'lumber prices on fire'
Bi-monthly lumber (LBS) prices from the Nasdaq exchange in the years 2019 to 2021
During the first years of my transition on testosterone I was obsessed with capturing every noticeable change that occured. I devised a camera and lighting set-up I could repeat as time passed. But as the days that I forgot about my transness became the majority, and I became occupied with ‘being’ rather than changing, I stopped taking these photographs, leaving the project behind. However those absent years weren’t an issue after all. During the first two years of my transition I set my base colors: cyan, magenta and yellow, for my embodiment as a man. In the years after my ‘man-ness’ was set, the color black came in place, as the key on which the other colors were aligned, adding depth as I gained experience living my true colors.
A meditation with the purpose of helping you cope with the existential fear that comes with living in this time of climate change and pollution. For a moment, I take over your imagination, and guide you through a magical future landscape, in which humans no longer exist, and nature has evolved to adapt to the waste that was left behind. Whether one sees ugliness or beauty is a matter of ones internal process of dealing with the unknown. I want to be the guide into the understanding that uncertainty and fear can make way for fascination when embracing that all life is transient. In this landscape dichotomies like: good/bad, creation/destruction and natural/artificial, fade. Everything is in a permanent state of becoming something else, and we are here to witness it. How fascinating.
In 2017 I realized I presented some atypical behavior when I was on my own. I decided to film it. Yet, at the time I did not manage to figure out what the behavior was, therefore I had decided not to publish it. Two years later I learned that the behavior was called stimming, or self- stimulatory behavior. It is considered a protective response to over-stimulation, in which people calm themselves by blocking less predictable environmental stimuli by replacing it with repetitive stimuli. All senses, not only tactile, but also visual, auditory and vestibular can be used to stim. Common stims are hand flapping, rocking, excessive blinking, pacing, head banging, repeating noises or words, snapping fingers and spinning objects.
After running 50 kilometers through the city of Sarajevo, I realized it was the horizon I was looking for.
When I was four Robert told me he was older than me, because he was taller. Until I was seven I thought I was allergic to cheese unless it was on a pizza. Until I was seventeen I believed I was female. This is an effort to offer some space to my past self, to live a childhood without being defined by expectations.
Notes on top surgery is een serie posts op instagram waarbij ik doormiddel van foto's en korte essays verschillende thema's bespreek in connectie met het transgender zijn (in Nederland) Naar aanleiding van de posts zijn er discussies ontstaan die deel zijn uit komen te maken van het werk.
Part one of Trash Collection, a series of wooden trash.
Social media
Curriculum vitae
2018 - 2019Psychologie Leiden Universiteit
2017 - 2019Creative writing international writers collective
2014 - 2020Fotografie BA Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2017Fabulous Failures Den Haag, Netherlands Gecureerd door Erik Kessels. Korte film over mijn avontuur in het leven zonder internet in een wereld die er op is gebouw. Group
2015TransMission Amsterdam Museum Amsterdam, Netherlands Tentoonstelling van mijn werk: "Through Ribbons and Flowers" www.amsterdammuseum.nl/tentoonstellingen/transmission Group
Trash A Meditation Den Haag, Netherlands nathandoorduin.com/2020/06/19/trash-a-meditation/ A meditation with the purpose of helping you cope with the existential fear that comes with living in this time of climate change and pollution. For a moment, I take over your imagination, and guide you through a magical future landscape, in which humans no longer exist, and nature has evolved to adapt to the waste that was left behind. Whether one sees ugliness or beauty is a matter of ones internal process of dealing with the unknown. I want to be the guide into the understanding that uncertainty and fear can make way for fascination when embracing that all life is transient. In this landscape dichotomies like: good/bad, creation/destruction and natural/artificial, fade. Everything is in a permanent state of becoming something else, and we are here to witness it. How fascinating.
Secondary art-related activities
2022 - --Daarnaast gebruik ik mijn kennis en kunde van de houtbewerking voor het maken van lijsten in opdracht voor andere kunstenaars. On-going