Met zelfportret van 15 jaar geleden ging Jan Anoniem in gesprek met bezoekers over kwetsbaarheid, gevoelens, filosofie.....
An invitation to seek the beauty in the lavish from tranquility. A question to think about what gender actually is. Slowly we see two figures transform, the start is in drag and eventually they are in reverse drag, which is perhaps even more alienating. Let's say gender doesn't exist, or at least it's made up. Now let's celebrate who we are, who we can become, and who we dream of having been. An identity consists of so many pieces that together puzzle the person. Come and see, we'll show you a few pieces, and maybe you'll discover pieces of yourself that you never expected. In 2000 pieces of puzzle, sometimes poignant, sometimes poetic but always light-hearted, they play with assumptions about deafness, sexuality and gender. In an unruly gender bender we see Karwinski spinning perky in towering heels, while Kersbergen plays the tough guy as The Fonz from Happy Days. The roles go back and forth until their identity is stripped to the bare skin: behold, this is what they really are. – Marriage, May 2021 2000 Pieces Puzzle is the result of a personal investigation by the two actors Steef Kersbergen and Marcin Karwinski. “They had both been working on gender and diversity for some time. They have translated this into various artistic forms, of which this performance is one. The search for gender soon brought them to drag and the desire for softness in it. The performance is cheeky, flirty and loving. Within the performance, the game with identity in appearance and behavior has become visible and made accessible to the public. Since one of the actors is deaf, that also brought an element of identity with it. This is visible through the use of sign language and subtitles. And for the people who speak Polish there is a little surprise in it.
my part starts from minute 9:45 conversation is about working method and challenges in realizing sensory observable art and implementing it in society
Vibration - sound and light vibrate, they could be the same. Sound can bring images, emotions, feelings and memories. Sometimes you see sound with a vibrating speaker, sometimes you see lightning - combination of image, vibration and sound together. Eyes can hear speech instead of using ears to do so. How do you see speech then? Every movement of lips, facial expressions, looks in the eyes - anything without sound but only with sight can bring you hearing. That's what you do when you're deaf. A silence full of images. Sometimes you may have tinnitus - a persistent beeping sound. What does it look like - is zig-zag(end) from top to bottom from narrow to wide, in white color with black lines in the form of a ragged ribbon. Sharp and soft at the same time. Audible but physically impossible to place. Has no source of sound. What remains is seeing tinnitus instead of hearing.
sound illustration of the Tinnitus object so that the blind can get an idea about changing colors.of an 11 meter low object. Deaf people could experience music with a vibrating speaker under the couch
He has become Jan, Jan Anonymous. Story about the origin of sensory perceptible art We now live in the world of social media that allows us to follow everything and everywhere. Yet a sensory handicapped person is more or less forgotten or disappeared in this world. Jan wants to do something about it. Jan himself has been living with progressive sensorineural hearing loss from birth and currently he has gone from being severely hearing impaired to becoming deaf. Jan wanted to be able to share these personal experiences with others through his art. Jan has taken the time to not only tell about himself with his art, but to challenge the blind, deaf and people on wheelchairs to experience new experiences and unknown perceptions together.
The word Sustainability is now a general concept, the word: “little subject to wear or decay.” Sustainability is a very well-known expression and is used in many different forms of our daily lives. As humanity we are used to communicating verbally and that sometimes makes it difficult for each other to understand what we really mean, leading to misunderstandings. When it comes to sustainability, do we know what the other means? We do our best but it is often made very difficult for us. Examples, in our daily lives we come into contact with large amounts of packaging waste, we already neatly separate paper and plastic, but waste products still remain part of our daily life. Yet we continue to believe that we are sustainable. When I talk about I mean reuse. As a visual artist I make pieces of recycled glass, transparent and colored glass and other useful materials e.g. wood that can also lead a second life in my work. What you see now is an object made of used glass remnants and a new object has now arisen. To reuse this glass, a 30-year-old grinding machine was used and also recycled water, this water comes from the condenser dryer which I collect in a bucket to use it up to 10 times in the grinding process, this is a small example of multiple sustainable use. Everyone can ensure sustainability in daily life by acting consciously. Sometimes this work process as a visual artist is long and boring, it requires patience, insight and consistent action, and sometimes these three concepts are difficult to implement in our daily lives. It would be very desirable if all of us try to understand and act on the need for sustainability. As a consciously living person, I may have prejudices and generalize. Our society has many laws, rules and good intentions, but because of the amount we see the wood for the trees and we lack the energy to comply with content to consciously participate in a sustainable society. We speak empty words to each other and then walk away. If you read this text of mine, you will not have the opportunity to address me about this. During a personal contact you notice that I have a foreign accent, that I look very focused at you and pay attention to your lips, so that I sometimes do not respond substantively to your question, because I do not understand it correctly.
Sense and spirit would only like to convince you that everything ends in them, they are so vain. Own translation by: Friedrich Nietzsche: Also sprach Zarathustra Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen - Von den Verächtern des Leibes We do not remember memories of our birth. First sightings arose. Something was light and then dark again, first it was quiet and then noisy. To create habits that allow us to imagine unthinkable things, our consciousness uses tricks: that we talk to each other (in many languages), that we can realize that everything is a rhythm of black and white - that is essence of the first step. Therefore, as human beings, we strive to understand ourselves through speech and action. And yet so often we don't understand each other. As humanity we have forgotten what a non-verbal language is. 14,610 beads uses 1 bead for every day of 40 years
Self-consciousness always listens and seeks, compares, subdues, conquers, destroys. Own translation by: Friedrich Nietzsche: Also sprach Zarathustra Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen - Von den Verächtern des Leibes The amount of physical stimuli influences the amount of chemical stimuli - thus overloading the brain. That is a chemical-electrical (physiological) reversal which specifies psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, religion, faith, hope, love, self-destruction and self-healing. Characteristic for humans is that we can think and express our own neurological feelings. That's called communication. It has taken time to put together a computer and come to the conclusion that a barcode is more efficient than a numerical system. Our dominant traits as humans are imagination and speech. Words are only for communication. By repeating our own sounds, we have interpersonal verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is a gift from our primordial parents and their legacy of genetic-evolutionary development. Non-verbal communication arises from observation, experience, repetition and creation of a new conscious perception. 11,119 beads used listen to object as music - this is how blind people can experience it https://jananoniemexposeert.nl/5%20UV+spectrum+0%20Cmaj%20120%204_4.m4a
Not all gold… is a title of the exhibition which aims to compare differences and similarities between Poland and the Netherlands on the basis of proverbs. This is a culture and integration oriented exhibition with Dutch proverbs with gold as the core. This relates to the Dutch Golden Age and contemporary glass art. These and many other issues will be discussed during four different lectures in March 2017. Exhibition will take place in the Klinkenberg rooms in Pulchri Studio in The Hague from February 25 to March 29, 2017. Vernissage is scheduled for February 26 at 3 PM. Glass art objects by Marcin Karwinski from the period from 2004 to 2016 are presented at the exhibition. Exhibited objects will refer visitors to thinking, culture, social society and artistic connections in migration. Exhibited glass sculptures and glass objects are completely realized in cold technology. No oven was used during work process. All presented works are made in glue and hand grinding techniques. The important element for the artist during his creation process is environmental awareness. Works are made from second-hand glass. The aim of this solution is to make people aware that glass is a special material that can also be transformed into art objects without a melting process. Exhibition Not all gold… is a presentation of old artisan glass processing techniques that have been used in recent times. This is the element of place identity preserved from the origin country. The process of living and creating abroad (migration) was and is always clearly visible in Polish art. Exhibition Not all gold… is also assessed by the balloting committee and becomes conclusive for the artist to be able to belong to the group of permanent members of Pulchri studio. Since then Marcin has been a regular artist member of Pulchri Studio.
Veitchii illustrates the course of life from birth to death. The name of this sculpture is derived from the Latin name Paeonia Veitchii - meaning Vetichi's peony. The petals of Veitchi's Peony glued between the layers of the glass illustrate how alive the beginning is but also how completion can be understood. The symbolic meaning of the white peony is, among other things, nobility and imperial power, birth and perfection - these aspects further enhance the meaning of the sculpture as an illustration of life. Thanks to its form and meanings, this sculpture remains a continuation of the Möbius band but in a completely new way.
This sculpture with its dimensions takes up a lot of space, but that is also the intention. The meaning of poppy petals used in the sculpture symbolize pride, decadence and purity. The shape of this sculpture starts from a simple triangle where only one surface has been cut and polished. This solution gives the opportunity to look at the interior of the sculpture. Poppy petals are incorporated between each layer of the glass. Some leaves are still red, others are losing their color. This illustrates constant change, but the entire object remains frozen in "silence" - like glass that is itself a "supercooled liquid".
`365 Reasons´ reflects the feelings and emotions that run through the mind during a burn-out. Every element of this object represents one feeling or emotion out of thousands that flow and run through the mind. 365 Reasons... is an attempt to reach out for and explore the deepest and most hidden feelings.
The Golden Ribbon is built from fifty layers of glass with eighteen carat gold leaf between the layers. Each piece of glass is carefully sawn and treated. The polishing process is done partly mechanically. The major point - part number fifty one - is made of selenite stone. The surface of the sculpture is covered with copper foil. In time it will oxidize, due to the temperature, humidity and light.
The center of this creation is made from a special type of glass, which changes color, from light pink to deep green. Between the layers of glass, again one will find eighteen carat gold leaf. In the horn there are larger pieces of gold leaf that gradually decrease, approaching the center of the circle. By rotating the work, one gets a rich spectacle of changing light, form and color.
Inclusion Art and Social Sustainable Society©
jananoniemexposeert.nlglasart - traditional craftmanship
marcinkarwinski.comSocial media
Member of Artists’ Initiative/Collective/Incubator
Pulchri Studio, Ieder Mens Is Kunst, I -m-perfekt Jan Anoniem Exposeert
Member of a platform, digital or otherwise
Coalitie voor Inclusie
Toegankelijke Recreatie
Inclusieve kunst en cultuur
Member of a professional association/artists’ association
Pulchri Studio
Curriculum vitae
2018 - 2019Culturepsychology NTI
2018 - 2018Intercultural cooperation and communicationd NTI
2013 - 2014glas design SiO2 glasstudio Groningen
1999 - 2004master of art and culture science of glas history Academy of Fine Arts Wroclaw EGAAD diploma
1999 - 2004bachelor visual art and design unique and usable glass Academy of Fine Arts Wrocław EGAAD diploma
1994 - 1999visual art and design unique and usable glass Kunst Lyceum Jelenia Góra Cieplice diploma
2024'Gemak en ongemak' ontmoet "kunst en kitsch' - kruisbestuiving Pulchri Studio Den Haag, Netherlands 'Gemak en ongemak' in deze twee termen gaat Marcin Karwinski zich verdiepen tijdens deze expositie die een vervolg is op ‘Ieder mens is kunst’. Soms kan 'echte' kunst ongemak veroorzaken. Een andere keer kan ze voor gemak en voldoening zorgen. Fotograaf en liefhebber van experimenten met geluid Jacek Futiakiewicz beweegt zich 'Tussen kunst en kitsch'. Soms kan kitsch voor heel aangename gevoelens zorgen. En een andere keer juist heel kritische emoties oproepen. Wanneer krijgt een werk de waarde KUNST en wanneer niet? Wanneer is een werk kitsch? Antwoorden op deze vragen zal hij zoeken door kritisch te kijken naar zijn eigen fotografische werk en werk van anderen. Op een speelse manier zal Jacek bezoekers van de expositie betrekken voor dit thema. Wat voor de ene kijker (toeschouwer, galeriebezoeker) kunst is, kan voor de andere kitsch zijn. Of toch niet? Wij allemaal, kunstmakers en kunstwaarnemers, delen onze ervaringen in in categorieën. Dit doen we om te begrijpen en te kunnen waarderen, om een mening te kunnen vormen. Kan er een vruchtbare kruisbestuiving plaatsvinden? Bij deze expositie gaan twee kitsch- en/of kunstmakers in de Hardenbergzaal van Pulchri Studio samen met de bezoekers onderzoeken waar de grenzen liggen tussen kunst, kitsch, gemak en ongemak. Misschien zijn er geen duidelijke grenzen vast te stellen? Beide 'kunstenaars' willen hun eigen vaste denkbeelden en denkpatronen gaan verkennen en hierover met bezoekers in gesprek gaan. Gedurende de expositie organiseren Marcin en Jacek elk weekend lezingen, trainingen, dialoogsessies en belevenis dagen. Kijk voor het actuele programma op onze agenda. Belangrijk! Deze expositie is volledig gelijkwaardig toegankelijk. Heeft u een voorziening nodig of heeft u een speciale behoefte tijdens uw bezoek? Laat dit ons weten via: bericht@jananoniemexposeert.nl Elke weekend zijn schrijftolken aanwezig en Marcin beschikt over de basiskennis van de Nederlandse gebarentaal. Omschrijvingen zijn in Braille beschikbaar en werken kunnen worden (onder begeleiding) waargenomen door aanraking. Foto: Jacek Futiakiewicz (auteur van schilderij Felix Schuurbiers) www.jananoniemexposeert.nl www.jacekfocus.nl www.pulchri.nl/nl/tentoonstellingen/gemak-en-ongemak-ontmoet-kunst-en-kitsch-een-kruisbestuiving/ Duo
2023Ieder Mens is Kunst Pulchri Studio Den Haag, Netherlands ‘Ieder Mens Is Kunst’ wordt een kunstproject die mensen anders laat denken over mogelijkheden en beperkingen. ‘De mens’ is straks kunst. Ervaringsdeskundigen, en iedereen die hierin geïnteresseerd is ook als die niks met kunst te maken heeft. Jij hoeft geen kunstenaar te zijn, jij bent al kunst. Iedereen kan ons de wereld anders laten ervaren, ook als zij of hij zelf een andere zintuiglijke waarneming hebben. Acteurs, schilders, artsen, schrijvers, werkende en werkloze, juristen, grafici, beeldhouwers, politieagenten, keramisten, bouwers, markt verkopers, gehandicapten en ‘gezonde’… Op allerlei manieren kan ‘kunst’ ons kennis laten maken met een wereld die we uit onszelf niet kunnen leren kennen. Sensorische, fysieke en mentale beperkingen leveren veel ervaringen op die andere mensen de ogen kan openen. Maar denk hier niet alleen aan kunstenaars. Iedereen maakt van haar/zijn leven een kunst. Dat willen wij graag laten zien, ervaren, voelen, horen en hoe dan ook samen beleven. Als mens(heid) blijven wij zo erg aan de betekenissen van verbaal communiceren gehecht dat wij niet meer elkaar kunnen begrijpen. Wij denken wel dat het lukt maar in praktijk is het niet zo. Wij communiceren niet meer. Wij sturen een en ontvangen andere boodschap, net als boodschappen uit de winkel halen. Wij missen de kern, wij ontkennen verlangen naar gelijkwaardigheid als mens voor elkaar. Mijn woorden hier klinken heel hard, vooroordelen en generaliserend. Zo is onze maatschappij geworden. Wij zijn overdonderd met de hoeveelheid van wetten, regels en goede intenties als een kers op taart bovenop. Doch missen wij in het algemeen energie te hebben om te gaan handelen. Vooral communiceren wij niet meer - wij gooien lege woorden tegen elkaar en lopen vervolgens weg. Bij deze tekst lezen krijgt jij geen kans om mij te zien of mij aan te spreken. Jij blijft communiceren op basis van uw eigen waarneming kennis. Bij interpersoonlijke contact zou jij opmerken dat er iets “anders” met mijn verbale communicatie is: dat ik buitenlandse accent heb, dat ik heel erg gefocust op uw lippen kijk, dat ik soms niet inhoudelijk op jou vraag antwoordt. Toch zou u niet weten dat ik niet versta want ik met progressieve perceptieve gehoorverlies geboren ben en momenteel in fase van ernstig slechthorend naar doof ben gegaan. Hier keer ik terug naar mens die kunst is, naar menselijke consistentie. Het is van belang van ieder een zich vanaf nieuw mens zijn. Kunst zijn. Ben jij (ook) kunst? jananoniemexposeert.nl/projecten/exhibition-theme Solo
2023Pulchri Studio Den Haag, Netherlands www.pulchri.nl/nl/tentoonstellingen/najaarssalon-van-ommeren-de-voogt-prijs-2023/ Group
2022V i E R D R I E T Pulchri Studio - Voorhoutgalerie The Hague, Netherlands De tentoonstelling V i E R D R I E T is een vervolg van I - m - perfekt – een expositie die de rol van de non-verbale communicatie in de wereld van zintuigelijk gehandicapten heeft herkend, erkend en bespreekbaar gemaakt. Toen heeft de kunstenaar zijn nieuwe naam gekozen - hij is Jan geworden, Jan Anoniem. Wij leven nu in de wereld van een corona pandemie en veel van ons voelen zich vergeten en niet meer gezien. Jan heeft de tijd genomen om door middel van zijn kunst niet alleen zijn verhaal te vertellen, maar juist om diegenen die niet blind, doof of rolstoelgebonden zijn uit te dagen om nieuwe ervaringen en nieuwe waarnemingen op te doen. De corona pandemie heeft de isolatie nog vergroot. Een dove of slechthorende kan niet meer liplezen vanwege mondkapjes, een blinde kan niet meer begeleid worden zonder de 1,5 m maatregel te negeren. Hulpmiddelen zijn een oplossing, maar kunnen de handicap niet ongedaan maken. Helaas krijgt Jan, een zintuigelijk gehandicapte, in zijn leven regelmatig te maken met vooroordelen en stigmatisering en hij is niet de enige. Bovendien is er om hem heen veel verdriet. Wat doet de maatschappij? Waar is nu de sociale, duurzame samenleving gebleven? Deze vragen zijn niet bedoeld om zelf ook te gaan stigmatiseren, maar om essentiële problemen in het leven van een zintuigelijk gehandicapte bespreekbaar te maken. Ook kunstenaar zijn met “zintuigelijke kwetsbaarheid” brengt regelmatig verdriet met zich mee. Je wilt het onder woorden brengen, uitschreeuwen, aandacht vragen, in paniek raken, niets helpt. Je moet het zien te overleven, uit huis gezet worden, je hebt geen recht van leven, maar je moet doorgaan en volhouden en het hoe dan ook overleven! Hoe (on)menselijk is dat? En je dierbaren beweren maar van je te houden, terwijl ze je in de kou laten staan! Hoe kun je onder deze omstandigheden creatief zijn als kunstenaar? Als je niet eens een basis hebt voor je eigen leven, geen huis, geen studio, geen inkomsten, geen toekomst, geen familie, geen liefde, geen….. Wat je wél hebt is je handicap, obstakels, onbegrip, eenzaamheid, overlevingsmodus, paniek, angst, suïcidale gedachten, eetstoornissen, psychosomatische klachten, pijnaanvallen, onmacht van de hele wereld, jezelf tegen jezelf. Maar juist in deze kwetsbaarheid kan Jan de kracht vinden om verdriet te vieren. De getallen vier en drie zijn komend jaar belangrijk voor Jan, hij wordt op 3 april 43 jaar. www.pulchri.nl/nl/tentoonstellingen/jan-anoniem-vierdriet/ Solo
20212000 pieces of puzzle Delft Fringe Festival Delft, Netherlands An invitation to seek the beauty in the lavish from tranquility. A question to think about what gender actually is. Slowly we see two figures transform, the start is in drag and eventually they are in reverse drag, which is perhaps even more alienating. Let's say gender doesn't exist, or at least is made up. Now let's celebrate who we are, who we can become, and who we dream of having been. An identity consists of so many pieces that together puzzle the person. Come and see, we'll show you a few pieces, and maybe you'll discover pieces of yourself that you never expected. tgsignum.nl/2000-stukjes-puzzel/ Solo
20201,5 meter exposition Pulchri Studio in cooperation with Stroom The Hague, Netherlands together with TgSignum I realized a play and photo exhibition with deaf and hard-of-hearing actors www.pulchri.nl/nl/tentoonstellingen/1-m-expo/ Group
2020I-m-perfekt Jan Anoniem Exposeert Museum Maassluis Maassluis, Netherlands The exhibition I-m-perfekt arose out of the will to make the role of non-verbal communication in the world of the sensory handicapped known, recognized and open to discussion. Many of the above are anonymous and remain more or less locked in their own worlds of limitations. That is why the artist has chosen a new name. www.museummaassluis.nl/ Solo
2020Najaarssalon Pulchri Studio The Hague, Netherlands annual exhibition of artist members of Pulchri pulchri.nl Group
2019I-M-perfekt Jan Anoniem Exposeert Pulchri Studio - Tuingalerie The Hague, Netherlands The exhibition I-m-perfekt arose out of the will to make the role of non-verbal communication in the world of the sensory handicapped known, recognized and open to discussion. Many of the above are anonymous and remain more or less locked in their own worlds of limitations. That is why the artist has chosen a new name. jananoniemexposeert.nl/projecten/i-m-perfekt-2019 Solo
2019Zomervrienden - Frans Pulchri Studio - Klinkenbergzaalen The Hague, Netherlands farewell exhibition for Frans de Leef m.facebook.com/pulchristudio/videos/2486485704963123/ Group
2019Najaarssalon Pulchri Studio The Hague, Netherlands annual exhibition of artist members of Pulchri pulchri.nl Group
2018Violin art Badiarov Violins Gallery The Hague, Netherlands Badiarov Violins gallery - The Hague | 2013 Individual glass art exhibition inspired by violin making experience. www.diplomatmagazine.nl/2013/06/12/learning-the-art-of-violin-maker-in-den-haag/ Solo
2017Not everything what shine is gold Pulchri Studio The Hague, Netherlands exhibition based on Polish and Dutch proverbs. Oder patronage of Embassy of the Republic of Poland jacekfocus.nl/portfolio/het-is-niet-alles-goud-opening-tentoonstelling-van-kunstenaar-marcin-karwinski-pulchri-studio-den-haag/ Solo
2017Miracle glass Loes Reek Galery Alkmaar, Netherlands individual glass exposition www.loesreek.nl/ Solo
2016Najaarssalon Pulchri Studio The Hague, Netherlands annual exhibition of artist members of Pulchri pulchri.nl Group
2016Art with some story Galerie Lijn 3 Geersdijk, Netherlands individual exhibition with glass artworks www.galerielijn3.nl/ Solo
2015Embassy Art Exhibition Galerie Patries van Dorst Wassenaar, Netherlands gals exposition www.patriesvandorst.nl/ Group
2015Transparant Passerelle Cityhall Terneuzen, Netherlands glas exposition www.facebook.com/glasssculptor/photos/ Solo
2013Glass…….off course, Polish meltpoint Kasteel Cannenburh Vaassen, Netherlands Collective art exhibition concluded with a lecture about glass art and glass art history. www.stichtingglaskunst.nl/expositie-2013-glas-natuurlijk-pools-smeltpunt/ Group
2013Dialog with a nature Kasteel Duin & Kruidberg Santpoort Noord, Netherlands Less images and more abstract, but again in harmony with nature and the architecture of the classicist Duin en Kruidberg. For the fourth time, Eva Mennes is organizing a sculpture exhibition in and around the 19th century estate in Santpoort-Noord. Precisely because there are mainly abstract images - most of them around the pond - the dialogue with nature is more exciting, says Mennes. She has been a bit stricter in the selection of the participating artists this year, she says. "It's more for collectors than for the simpler taste." issuu.com/evamennes/docs/catalogus-duin-kruidberg2013-web Group
2013Ruschin constructivism Cityhall Appeldoorn, Netherlands 2013 is the year of friendship between the Netherlands and Russia. Both countries want to pay attention to the special relationship between them with the bilateral year. Several municipalities have joined this celebration. The Municipality of Apeldoorn also organizes a varied program with many participants, including Schouwburg Orpheus, CODA, many other organizations and artists. The basis for why Apeldoorn is participating in this year of friendship is the valuable historical bond created by the marriage between King Willem II of the Netherlands and Anna Pavlovna, Queen of the Netherlands – sister of Tsar Alexander I – and the marriage of the daughter Sophia to King Willem III. Paleis Het Loo Apeldoorn therefore occupies a prominent place and will provide opportunities for receptions and concerts. The Friendship Year has great significance in several areas. During the period February 27 to April 14, the Netherlands-Russia Friendship Year will be held at various locations in Apeldoorn. More information including the program can be found at www.nlrf2013.nl. and the calendar on the website www.nlrf.com lists the daily programmes. A short summary and the entire Apeldoorns program can be found here. www.aventurijnglasgalerie.nl/exposities_glas_galerieexposities/agenda-2013/vriendschapsjaar-nederland-rusland/ Group
2013solo Aventurijn Kunstbemiddeling Epe, Netherlands Marcin Karwinski emerging glass talent From February 23 to April 14, 2013, De Aventurijn art mediation will put a young cosmopolitan in the spotlight. Marcin Karwiński shows his very latest glass art objects in his solo exhibition. After a long absence from the glass world, he is now making his comeback in De Aventurijn. He takes some old works from his private collection from his native Poland, as well as his glassware, which can be ordered. A new glass talent on Dutch soil. On display at Galerie De Aventurijn until Sunday 14 April 2013. Click here for more information. Get acquainted with the fully developed techniques of a young aspiring artist. The Aventurine art mediation will be present in the art world for two weeks with two exhibitions. In addition to Karwiński's solo in his own gallery, De Aventurijn also participates in the celebration of the 'Netherlands-Russia Friendship Year'. This bilateral relationship between the two countries is celebrated in a spectacular way in various municipalities in the Netherlands. The Municipality of Apeldoorn has invited 'De Aventurijn art mediation' and 'Kunstgalerie Oudenhove' from Epe to join them. On Friday 22 March, the opening of this special exhibition was performed by Alderman Paul Blokhuis of the municipality of Apeldoorn. The exhibition will last until April 5 and will be held in the City Hall at Marktplein 1 in Apeldoorn. Here too, Gallery De Aventurine brought Marcin Karwiński along, his roots lie in Russia. Han de Kluijver is also participating and these two glass artists have Russian constructivism as their starting point. Anna Volkova will bring out the romance of Russia with her 'Windows of St. Petersburg'. All three glass artists have (Russian) architecture as a binding factor. Look here for more information. The Calendar provides a daily overview of everything that takes place in the municipality of Apeldoorn. www.aventurijnglasgalerie.nl/kunstenaars/glaskunstenaars/marcin-karwinski-pl/ Solo
2007Portrait & House Atmosphere Embassy of Republic Polen The Hague, Netherlands photo exposition Group
2005glass scenography Theater Stara Prochoffnia Warsaw, Poland glass set for a philosophical play www.um.warszawa.pl/aktualnosci/opowie-ci-buduj-ce-w-starej-prochoffni Group
2004no title Glas factory KROSNO exhibition centre Krosno, Poland exhibition of gals design students Group
2004Young Design BWA gallery Wrocław, Poland curator and coordinator exhibition of contemporary glass art bwa.wroc.pl/language/en/ Group
2003100th years anniversary Krakowski Zakład WItrażów S.G. Żeleński Cracow exhibition on the occasion of 100 years of existence of gals in lead studio Zeleński - most famous glass studio in Poland zelenski.pl/ Group
2003Young Glass BWA gallery Wrocław, Poland curator and coordinator exhibition contemporary glass ar bwa.wroc.pl/language/en/ Group
Any Person is Art Pulchri Studio, Den Haag The Hague, Netherlands iederemensiskunst.nl Experts by experience, some of whom are artists, will realize the art project 'Every Man Is Art' as part of I-m-perfekt. It will be an art project that will open the senses and make people think differently about possibilities and limitations. 'Man' will soon be art. Experts by experience, and anyone who is interested in this, even if it has nothing to do with art. You don't have to be an artist, you are already art. Experts by experience and artists by experience can make us experience the world differently, especially if they themselves have a different sensory perception. Actors, painters, writers, directors, ceramists, graphic artists, sculptors… In many ways art can introduce us to a world that we cannot get to know on our own. Sensory, physical and psychological limitations provide many experiences that can open other people's eyes. But don't just think of artists here. Every experience expert makes an art of her/his life. We would like to show, experience, feel, hear and in any case experience this together.
WDE Talk: Hoe ontwerpen we een samenleving waarin iedereen zich gezien en gerepresenteerd voelt? World Design Embassies Amsterdam, Netherlands youtu.be/UqPRAHsR3uw WDE Talk: Hoe ontwerpen we een samenleving waarin iedereen zich gezien en gerepresenteerd voelt? Inclusiviteit bereik je niet door het te hebben over één specifiek thema of over een specifieke doelgroep, het gaat om een set van waarden, perspectieven, houdingen en praktijken die ons verder kunnen brengen naar een meer rechtvaardige samenleving. Dat is wat de Embassy of Inclusive Society onderzoekt. Type event TALK Datum & tijd 17 Feb 2022 - 18:00 - 19:00 Locatie Virtual Onderdeel van Embassy of Inclusive Society EVENT WDE Talk: Hoe ontwerpen we een samenleving waarin iedereen zich gezien en gerepresenteerd voelt? Onderdeel van Embassy of Inclusive Society Tijdens Dutch Design Week (DDW) 2021 was de Embassy of Inclusive Society een pleidooi voor een diverser en inclusiever ontwerpveld. Je vond er een samengestelde collectie ontwerpprojecten die op een brede manier aan het thema “inclusie” raakten. Van culturele diversiteit tot vraagstukken rondom gender en seksualiteit en van mensen met (fysieke) beperkingen tot bredere systematische vormen van uitsluiting. Daarnaast was het ook een ontmoetingsplek in de vorm van een kapperszaak. Niet zomaar een kapperszaak, maar een ervaring die voor de bezoekers – naast een mooi kapsel – ook nieuwe inzichten met zich meebracht. In de “Social Hair Salon” gingen kappers met diverse achtergronden en specialiteiten met bezoekers in gesprek over inclusie, diversiteit en persoonlijke ervaringen daaromtrent. De Embassy of Inclusive Society richtte zich in 2021 met name om bewustwording. Richting 2022 kijken we naar de verdere ontwikkeling van de Embassy in de vorm van een collectieve verkenning: Wat zouden de bouwstenen kunnen zijn van een inclusieve samenleving die de huidige uitsluitingssystemen en onze denkpatronen echt bevragen? Daarmee omarmt de Embassy de complexiteit en de breedte van het onderwerp. En kiest het voor een open en door onderzoek geleide benadering. De Embassy wordt een platform om baanbrekende en tot nadenken stemmende benaderingen voor inclusiviteit in de breedste zin te verkennen, samen met ontwerpers, organisaties en gebruikers. Met de bouwstenen van inclusief ontwerp als uitgangspunt. Het gaat dus niet over één specifiek thema of over een specifieke doelgroep. Het gaat om een set van waarden, perspectieven, houdingen en praktijken die ons verder kunnen brengen naar een meer rechtvaardige samenleving. De komende periode onderzoekt en verkent de Embassy wat baanbrekend inclusief ontwerpen kan be
2000 pieces of puzzle Delft Fringe Festival Delft, Netherlands delftfringefestival.nl/makers/52/tg-Signum-(14+) https://www.trouw.nl/cultuur-media/gebarentaal-is-heel-geschikt-voor-het-theater-het-is-een-soort-pantomime~b236b2e3f/
A world os Sounds TgSignum The Hague, Netherlands tgsignum.nl/geluidswereld/ How does the sun sound? What is the sound of the air? Do the mountains really sing? And what exactly is singing? What does a vote look like? Could you paint the sound of the sea? Or take a picture of the crackling wood fire? These are questions that have been asked to the models in this photo series. They all have their own relationship to the concept of 'sound'. Some are deaf, others hard of hearing, there are musicians, dancers, people with hypersensitivity to sound, misophonia and people who 'just' love sound. Together we explored how sound influences your perception of the world. What the individual sound world looks like. These experiences cannot only be captured in images, which is why the exhibition also includes video fragments, sound fragments, texts and tactile elements. Everything to take you into how we look at sound together.
20212000 pieces of puzzle ministerie SVW The Hague, Netherlands as participants of INC Festival I presented the play '2000 pieces puzzle' with subtitles, sign language interpreter and audio description to make art fully accessible incfestival.nl/ finished
2018no title Privé cliënt The Hague, Netherlands design and realization glass light element finished
2016no titel Privé cliënt Wassenaar, Netherlands design and realization of glass object for fixed space with function as light source finished
Sales/Works in collections
2018Angry private The Hague, Nederland purchased by private customer
2017Veitchii private The Hague, Nederland purchased by private customer
2017Rhoeas private The Hague, Nederland purchased by private customer
2017Het leven der planten private The Hague, Nederland purchased by private customer
2017Als een gouden appel op zilveren schaal private The Hague, Nederland purchased by private customer
2016Het is lang het goud zun deur gekomen private The Hague purchased by private customer
2016Terraxacum private Alkmaar, Nederland purchased by private customer
2016Unique champagneglas Royal House The Hague, Nederland Royal House has received a limited series of champagne glasses of my design
2016Unique champagneglas about 60 private collectors The Hague, Nederland champagne glasses of own design in a very limited series. of 400 pieces. Handmade, signed
2015Somniferum privat Leiden, Nederland purchased by private customer
2013Transformation privat Epe, Nederland purchased by private customer
2013Metamorphosis privat Epe, Nederland purchased by private customer
2013365 reasons privat Waassen, Nederland purchased by private customer
2021Sign language is very suitable for the theatre Book Trouw (krant) Sander Hiskemuller Amsterdam, Netherlands www.trouw.nl/cultuur-media/gebarentaal-is-heel-geschikt-voor-het-theater-het-is-een-soort-pantomime~b236b2e3f/ inclusive acting in culture
2021Polish Artists in the Netherlands Book pnkv Waldemar Pankiw Emmen, Netherlands pnkv.nl/poolse-artiesten-in-nederland/ anthology
2020Sounds world Poster partofit The Hague, Netherlands tgsignum.nl/geluidswereld/ poster announcing inclusion project 'sound world'
2019I-m-perfekt, Jan Anoniem exposeert Book artikel pulchriblad Michael Toroop The Hague, Netherlands pulchri.nl review for exhibition I-m-perfekt
2019Exhibition 'I m perfekt' about differences and similarities between people with and without disabilities hoormij Houten, Netherlands www.stichtinghoormij.nl/CmsData/2019/I-M-PERFEKT%20uitnodiging%20met%20QR.pdf article addressed to the deaf and hard of hearing community announcing inclusive art exhibition
2019Art of Jan Anoniem ad den haag The Hague, Netherlands
2019I-m-perfekt Jan Anoniem Exp week van toegankelijkheid Netherlands weekvandetoegankelijkheid.nl/evenementen/i-m-perfekt-expo-in-pulchri/ Now that we can get out more, we want everyone to be able to. That is why we ask in the Week of Accessibility attention for accessible shops, catering, theaters, nature reserves, sports accommodations, festivals, etc. This organization ensured that the target group of disabled people in the arts was informed about a fully inclusive exhibition which was 'I-m-perfekt'. " by Jan Anonymous
2017Glass art and the (cultural) differences between Poland and the Netherlands Polen in Beeld Delft, Netherlands poleninbeeld.nl article for exhibition 'it's not all gold'
2017Telling stories with glass objects inspired by ancient techniques Book Pulchriblad Wim van Cleef The Hague, Netherlands pulchri.nl review for exposition "It's not all gold"
2015I keep discovering possibilities Book De Telegraaf Anita Zijlstra Netherlands article about making art when you are disabled
2015'Transparant" toonbeeld Terneuzen Nelly Wesselius Terneuzen, Netherlands article about exhibition "transparant"
2013Polish Artists in The H+Netherlands Catalog pnkv tijdschrift nr 2 en 3 Emmen, Netherlands artikel over mijn kunstactiviteiten
2013Up to art galeries Book Collect, Kunst & Antiek Journale , Belgien/ NL journal nr2 Netherlands artis profile
2013Friendship year Netherlands Russia Book Fjoezzz,Vereniging van Vrienden van Modern Glas Piet Augustijn Zutphen, Netherlands www.modernglas.nl/fjoezzz-magazine-inhoud/ article on the occasion of Friendship Year Netherlands Russia
2013Dialogue with nature algemene dagblaad Wilma Klaver Netherlands article on the occasion of an exhibition at Duin en Kruidberg
2004Josephinnenhütte and Carlsthal Book ASP Wrocław Marcin Karwinski Wroclaw, Poland www.cmog.org/research/library During study at The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw archival research of information and images for book ”Josephinnenhütte” 1842 and ”Carlsthal” 1754 - old German glassworks from Lower Silesia”. This book was added to the collection of the Corning Museum of Glass in New York in 2013.
2021'2000 stukjes puzzel' Newspaper Sander Hiskemuller The Hague, Netherlands www.trouw.nl/cultuur-media/gebarentaal-is-heel-geschikt-voor-het-theater-het-is-een-soort-pantomime~b236b2e3f/ review on perfomance er role of arts and disabilities
2019I-m-perfekt, Jan Anoniem exposeert Newspaper Michael Toroop Den Haag puchri.nl article about stigma and prejudice in art such as in the lives of people with disabilities
2017Recommendation mr. K.J F BA The Hague, Netherlands Marcin Karwiński is an intelligent, erudite and passionate personality. That translates both in his images as well as his explanation of the story behind them as well as his ability to fulfill a client's wishes and translate his/her personality and needs into an art object. Marcin Karwiński is loyal to his technique and ideology, but is also open to inspiring suggestions from others. The inspiration of an artist is not blown away in vanity. Marcin likes to be open to the insights of his client, he quickly translates it into his technique and the best result. Marcin helps the client to form his assignment in a funny way. And everyone doesn't even have to, to a conversation, the confidence is so great that Marcin gets carte blanche. Marcin thoroughly explains his gluing technique, influence of light, quality of the glass and the importance of the space where the art object is on display. Both my art object on order as well as the one bought by my partner and me art object are enchanting. We definitely want more Karwiński in our house, two new orders are already planned. What Marcin needs is contact with a wider audience, a dialogue with art experts and lovers. Highly recommended. mr. K.J.F BA Lawyer and also Member of the Board of Directors of the Netherlands Center for Trade Promotion
2016Recensie Toonbeel Nelly Wesselius terneuzen, Netherlands For the "Show picture" foundation in the Municipality of Terneuzen, we organize an exhibition of . every 6 weeks professional visual artists in the public space of our town hall. Looking for a professional glass artist for an exhibition “Transparent” I saw the work of Marcin Karwiński, very special, tranquil, inspiring and a beautiful abstract design. Beautiful work, three-dimensional, mystical, sensual and designed with a lot of feeling and creativity. His technique is not so common and takes a lot of time and energy, cold existing glass is cut on sanding discs machined, glued sometimes with the addition of other material such as gold leaf and vegetable. Finally polished. He exhibited with us for 6 weeks. We here in Terneuzen received many enthusiastic reactions about this beautiful glass art during this exhibition. Marcin a young man professional, serious, knowledgeable in the art world, vision and responsibility. Highly recommended! N.M. Wesselius- Brugmans Organization of exhibitions Working group exhibitions of "Toonbeeld" institute for visual and musical education of the Municipality of Terneuzen
2016Recommendation Antonia van Rapard Geersdijk, Netherlands www.galerieliin3,nl I got to know Marcin Karwinski as a very passionate and honest glass artist. From his rich background, ( born in Szklarska where the famous Crystal Glass Foundry stood) he has developed into a completely autonomous and original artist in glass. His fascination for the material lies mainly in its vulnerability and at the same time its strength. For him, glass is a metaphor for infinity. He processes the old glass from his hometown, which he has collected, in his new works on a surprising way. By adding lighting, this makes the artwork even more lively and above all very exciting He often presents his work on turntables so that the liveliness and playfulness of his creations even more. He lives and works in the Netherlands with love and passion. In addition, he expresses in excellent Dutch how he works and what his sources of inspiration are. Marcin is a highly socially committed and sensitive person who picks up and processes a lot from his environment. He deserves more attention and recognition, something every artist who discovers his work in solitude implementation should happen. I heartily recommend him. Anthonia of Rappard Hofstede Gallery Line 3 / since 1989.
Awards and grants
2013Glas formation Aventurijn Kunstbemiddeling Epe, Netherlands Study aimed to teach glass forming techniques in 'glory hole' (about processing)
2003Art stypendium Ministerie van Kunst en Nationale Erfenis in Polen Warsaw, Poland for effects of work, unique design sages and modern insights into contemporary art
--Pulchri Studio
Secondary art-related activities
2020 - --raising awareness and promotion of art making it inclusive for society On-going
2019 - --guided tours for art observers with sensory-sensory perception disorders (Deaf, blind, NAH) On-going
2017 - --training in non-verbal communication in connection with art and disabilities On-going
2017 - --coordinator corporate image Pulchri Studio - graphic design, media, promotion etc On-going
2017 - --UN ambassador for disabled people in the arts sector On-going