Cuisine (du) Terrorinfo
Soundtracks composed by Andrejs Poikāns for dinner experience "Cuisine (du) Terror".
Photo by Esmée de Vette
Photo by Esmée de Vette
Photo by Esmée de Vette
Photo by Esmée de Vette
Photo by Lubov Cheresh
Photo by Lubov Cheresh
Photo by Lubov Cheresh
Photo by Lubov Cheresh
Collective eating experience at the opening
A view of one of the dishes on the "climate menu"
Providing food experience for the guest(s)
A view of one of the dishes next to the "climate menu"
Intro (see Projects for description)
Graduation video installation
Still from animation
Digital 3D map
Excerpt (see Projects for description)
Revised version (2021)
Cover design
Portfolio website.
tranghas.work/5°C or Above (art video) was shown online at PCAI and published in an online catalogue. Collaboration with Marcin Liminowicz.
www.pcai.gr/projects/anthropocene-on-hold/Dinner Performance & Design
www.sirius-initiative.com/research-labSocial media
Member of Artists’ Initiative/Collective/Incubator
Sirius Initiative Amsterdam
Curriculum vitae
2015 - 2020Graphic Design Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2023"There must be some mistake" Bobbina Cultural Space Sofia, Bulgaria Performing the experimental food project "Cuisine (du) Terror" with local illustrator Alina Papazova, and a few other artists, as part of FIG (Festival for Illustration and Graphics). fig.bg/ Group
2023Cuisine (du) Terror The Greyspace in The Middle The Hague, Netherlands Performing the experimental food project "Cuisine (du) Terror" as part of the "Food for Thoughts" series programmed by Marijke Cobbenhagen at The Greyspace in The Middle. www.instagram.com/p/CuFQjUaoLz7/ Solo
2022But, S/he endorsed the sheen Vrij Paleis Amsterdam, Netherlands Performing the experimental food project "Cuisine (du) Terror" as part of "But, S/he endorsed the sheen" exhibition curated by Wumen, founder of Sirius Initiative Amsterdam. www.instagram.com/p/CfpjOacI7GS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Group
2020Anthropocene on Hold PCAI Piraeus, Greece Online screening of art video "5°C or Above". In collaboration with Marcin Liminowicz. www.pcai.gr/projects/anthroposcene-on-hold/ Duo
2020KABK Graduation Show KABK Graphic Design Department The Hague, Netherlands Video installation of graduation work "The New Pangasius". Group
2019The Giant Floating Eyeball The Ministry of Finance The Hague, Netherlands Interactive sound installation "I’m Frightened, Angry, Disappointed, Hopeful, Compassion And Proud About The Economy". In collaboration with Scene Peng. www.kabk.nl/projecten/the-giant-floating-eyeball-finance-algorithm Group
2019ART FWRD: On technology VondelCS Amsterdam, Netherlands Video website "Little Brother". In collaboration (intern) with Jasmijn Visser. www.kunstfort.nl/en/journal/jasmijn-visser-occur-embracing-the-complexity-of-climate-change/ Duo
Cuisine (du) Terror Grey Space in The Middle The Hague, Netherlands www.instagram.com/p/CuFQjUaoLz7/ Another iteration of "Cuisine (du) Terror", with different localities—ingredients, recipes, people, and audience. These further editions denote the ever-changing nature of the project, adapting to different geographical, cultural, and social climates. Sound design by Andrejs Poikāns. Costume design by Hee Eun Kim. Kitchen assistance by Jelle Van Den Brink, Sofia Kret, and Sonya Umanskaya. Documentation by Esmée de Vette, Helena Roig, and Cis De Gendt.
Cuisine (du) Terror Festival for Illustration and Graphics Sofia, Bulgaria Another iteration of "Cuisine (du) Terror", with different localities—ingredients, recipes, people, and audience. These further editions denote the ever-changing nature of the project, adapting to different geographical, cultural, and social climates. Sound design by Andrejs Poikāns. Documentation by Lubov Cheresh.
Cuisine (du) Terror Sirius Initiative Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands www.instagram.com/p/Cewh0IiNOw6/ Cuisine (du) Terror pleads for a recalibration of knowledge: it concerns the question of who is cooking and who/what is cooked. The trendy culinary technique called “sous-vide” reveals the vulnerable nature of bodily existence within the context of global warming. The fact that animal fleshes can be cooked already from 53°C, lower than boiling temperature, concludes that some parts of the world are being slow-cooked without them knowing about it. With sound design by Andrejs Poikāns.
Typographic Nights Stichting Page Not Found The Hague, Netherlands www.instagram.com/p/CjcVWRQI5HM/ Typographic Nights is an on-going series of participatory events taking place at the bookstore Page Not Found in The Hague, The Netherlands. The objective of this series is to make contemporary graphic design and typography more familiar to the general public, by showing professionals working live, creating printed works from texts submitted by audience members. Trang Hà and Paulina Trzeciak, as co-creators of this concept, will be responsible for inviting the participatory designers and hosting this event. Each event hosts three designers from various design fields.
Under The Sun Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, Netherlands vimeo.com/585811646 A group of people in post-apocalyptic world found themselves struggling for sunlight, the main source of nutrients. As they sought solarium stations to recharge their “energy”, they realized that their lives had only been looped around the same routine. “Under The Sun” is a quiet discussion on the meaning of life after Earth, where the border between life and death blurs into each other and renders human nothing more than a lifeless, light-thirsty machine. In collaboration with Helena Roig and Paulina Trzeciak. Screened at Eye Film Museum Amsterdam as a part of ResearchLab program.
Of The Wrap Culture Designers Write Rotterdam, Netherlands designerswrite.org/essays/of-the-wrap-culture/ Essay selected for DESIGNERS WRITE platform. There will be an up-coming podcast where I will speak about ecology, food, care and "contamination". Except from the essay: "A wrap is an environment created to let individuals be in close contact with each other, touching each other to the point that they have to accept the awareness of the others. The inhabitants of the wrap are forced to be in trouble and to create frictions—precariousness that will learn them the causes of their actions in the wrap network."
Centuries of Selves The Hague, Netherlands tranghas.work/videos.html What will community be like in the future? Will it survive the ever-growing individualism in the midst of the pandemic and ecological changes? Will we lose the ability to communicate, interact, and listen to each other’s words? Will words stop having meanings? Will what remains be humming noises in the ears of the confined ambient space? Centuries of Selves is a loop animation giving the illusion of community. It reflects on the current state of isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing further the underlying individualistic tendency that governs our modern society. The landscape seen in the video is partially inspired by the white “social-distancing” circles painted at a park in Rotterdam during the pandemic. In collaboration with Dora Ramljak. Costume by Anouk Van Kampen Wieling. Sound by Thomas Parigi. Sol Pagel as model and assistant.
The New Pangasius Royal Academy of Art The Hague The Hague, Netherlands If the world’s water is transforming, so are its fishes. When enough fishes die, their souls will gather and wake us up at night. The panoramic map of ‘The New Pangasius’ is a constellation of both found and made materials speaking of the highly commercialized and cultivated species of catfish in Vietnam, the Pangasius. Through the use of animated folktales, witty conversations, sketchy found footage and plasticky virtual objects, the project tries to prove and reveal the complexities surrounding the Pangasius fish chain supply. The project consists of a 3D map and a series of animation.
5°C And Above Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative (online), Greece How long does it take to defrost a fish? To preserve its flavor, we must submerge it in cold water—a quarantined environment, from six to eight hours. What is left then when the ice is gone? In the mix-media video work Trang Ha and Marcin Liminowicz explore the porous border between digital and organic environment, looking closer into the fragile nature of both human and non-human bodies. The tension between stillness and movement, the preserving of corporeal well-being and the alarming speed of mass food production. What we see directly are details of the imperfect bodies captured in the moment of daily exercise and a 3D render of a familiar shape, similar to that of fish. In collaboration with Marcin Liminowicz. Sound by Lance Laoyan. Acting by Helena, Sergi & Anni.
I’m Frightened, Angry, Disappointed, Hopeful, Compassion And Proud About The Economy Royal Academy of Art The Hague The Hague, Netherlands www.kabk.nl/projecten/the-giant-floating-eyeball-finance-algorithm Is it possible to bring emotions into machine vision in the field of economy and finance? Is there a way to disprove the use of formal and cold-blooded statistical data to assess people's financial situation? “I’m Frightened, Angry, Disappointed, Hopeful, Compassion And Proud About The Economy” is an ambient theater play translated into a game of chess. It consists of two laptops, a chess board, two speakers and two players. The laptops’ webcams feed the images of the players’ hand movements into a trained A.I model, who simultaneously recomposes and synthesizes them into sounds. The four players together, machine and human, assemble a non-stop ambient piece that reflects the emotional intensity seen in an economical turbulence, be it "Frightening, Wrathful, Disappointing, Hopeful, Compassing Or Full of Pride”. In collaboration with Scene Peng. Exhibited at “The Giant Floating Eyeball” at The Ministry of Finance, NL.
International exchanges/Residencies
2024Typographic Night (workshop, talk) Page Not Found The Hague, Netherlands Live design event, performative lecture addressing the relationship between food and design. finished
2023Sonic Acts Press Catalogue Sonic Acts Amsterdam, Netherlands Catalogue design for Sonic Acts. finished
2022Lick It Book Studio Marije Vogelzang Dordrecht, Netherlands Working with Studio Marije Vogelzang to realize her newest publication about food. www.instagram.com/p/CiQpBb7ok9X/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet finished
2022Open_Lab (Identity) V2_Lab for the Unstable Media Rotterdam, Netherlands Identity design for V2_ "Open_Lab Session" v2.nl/events/open_lab-session-summer-sessions-edition/?searchterm=open%20lab finished
2022The Set (Identity) Pip Expo The Hague, Netherlands Identity design for PIP Expo "The Set" www.instagram.com/p/CacgTgxoMN5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link finished
2022Dinner For Tired & Busy People (Idenity)) Pip Expo The Hague, Netherlands Identity design for PIP Expo "Dinner For Tired & Busy People" www.instagram.com/p/CkLgdl_MyRG/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link finished
2022WaterWorks (Identity) V2_Lab for the Unstable Media Rotterdam, Netherlands Identity design for v2_ "WaterWorks" www.instagram.com/p/CisNLolIgpG/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link finished
2021MOMENTJE ALSJEBLIEFT I'M LOST FOR WORD (Identity) Pip Expo The Hague, Netherlands Identity design for PIP Expo "MOMENTJE ALSJEBLIEFT I'M LOST FOR WORD" www.instagram.com/p/CXZQ9hioH7q/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link finished
2021Mique Eggermont Foundation (website) ME Foundation The Hague, Netherlands Website design and development for Mique Eggermont Foundation. In collaboration with Zuzanna Zgierska. mefoundation.nl/ finished
2021Material Languages (website) Nest/Stroom The Hague, Netherlands Website design and development for the project "Material Languages" by The Nest Collective and Stroom Den Haag. In collaboration with Zuzanna Zgierska. www.material-languages.stroom.nl/ finished
2021Sonya Mantere (website) Sonya Mantere The Hague, Netherlands Portfolio website design and development for photographer Sonya Mantere. sonyamantere.com/ finished
2019Studio Jasmijn Visser (website) Studio Jasmijn Visser Berlin, Germany Portfolio website design and development for artist Jasmijn Visser. www.jasmijnvisser.com/ finished
2019occur (graphic design) Studio Jasmijn Visser Berlin, Germany Graphic design for the article "occur" by Jasmijn Visser. www.kunstfort.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Jasmijn-Visser_Occur_Embracing-the-complexity-of-climate-change.pdf finished
Sales/Works in collections
20205°C or Above Anthropocene on Hold Pireaus, Griekenland A digital edition of the work is acquired by Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative.
2022Sharp Letters Catalogue Book ingoodcompany.intl Trang Hà London, United Kingdom ingoodcompany.international/ A small graphic catalogue containing graphic compositions of sharp objects and typography.
2020Anthropocene On Hold Catalog Polyeco Contemporary Art Initiative Various Piraeus, Greece issuu.com/pcai1/docs/catalogue__q A digital catalogue realized by PCAI featuring the work "5°C or Above".
2019Beasts Without Hands? (PL: "Bezrękie bestie?") Monograph FORMY Magazine Trang Ha & Zuzanna Zgierska Poland formy.xyz/krotka-forma/bezrekie-bestie/ Online publication of the written essay on technology "Beast Without Hands?" (PL:"Bezrękie bestie?"). In collaboration with Zuzanna Zgierska on original English text. Polish translation is by Zuzanna Zgierska.
Awards and grants
2021Building Talent for starting makers and designers Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie The Hague, Netherlands Building Talent grant to work with Studio Marije Vogelzang to realize a publication about food.
2020Bachelor Graphic Design department Award 2020 Nominees Royal Aacademy of Arts, The Hague The Hague, Netherlands Graduation work "The New Pangasius" is nominated for Graphic Design department Award 2020.
Secondary art-related activities
2019 - --Graphic Design On-going