We as humans have different emotional bonds with trees, from symbols of the tree of life to tree huggers. For this reason, it moves us when a tree falls. 'Fallen' is a video installation that captures the dramatic fall of a tree in a neutral way. Almost never is someone an eyewitness when a tree falls in a natural way. It's a brief and radical moment of transience. The sudden speed of the action is in stark contrast to the slow existence of the tree. The video work is presented in a kinetic installation where the projection screen slowly moves back and forth.
We as humans have different emotional bonds with trees, from symbols of the tree of life to tree huggers. For this reason, it moves us when a tree falls. 'Fallen' is a video installation that captures the dramatic fall of a tree in a neutral way. Almost never is someone an eyewitness when a tree falls in a natural way. It's a brief and radical moment of transience. The sudden speed of the action is in stark contrast to the slow existence of the tree. The video work is presented in a kinetic installation where the projection screen slowly moves back and forth.
We as humans have different emotional bonds with trees, from symbols of the tree of life to tree huggers. For this reason, it moves us when a tree falls. 'Fallen' is a video installation that captures the dramatic fall of a tree in a neutral way. Almost never is someone an eyewitness when a tree falls in a natural way. It's a brief and radical moment of transience. The sudden speed of the action is in stark contrast to the slow existence of the tree. The video work is presented in a kinetic installation where the projection screen slowly moves back and forth.
We as humans have different emotional bonds with trees, from symbols of the tree of life to tree huggers. For this reason, it moves us when a tree falls. 'Fallen' is a video installation that captures the dramatic fall of a tree in a neutral way. Almost never is someone an eyewitness when a tree falls in a natural way. It's a brief and radical moment of transience. The sudden speed of the action is in stark contrast to the slow existence of the tree. The video work is presented in a kinetic installation where the projection screen slowly moves back and forth.
We as humans have different emotional bonds with trees, from symbols of the tree of life to tree huggers. For this reason, it moves us when a tree falls. 'Fallen' is a video installation that captures the dramatic fall of a tree in a neutral way. Almost never is someone an eyewitness when a tree falls in a natural way. It's a brief and radical moment of transience. The sudden speed of the action is in stark contrast to the slow existence of the tree. The video work is presented in a kinetic installation where the projection screen slowly moves back and forth.
We as humans have different emotional bonds with trees, from symbols of the tree of life to tree huggers. For this reason, it moves us when a tree falls. 'Fallen' is a video installation that captures the dramatic fall of a tree in a neutral way. Almost never is someone an eyewitness when a tree falls in a natural way. It's a brief and radical moment of transience. The sudden speed of the action is in stark contrast to the slow existence of the tree. The video work is presented in a kinetic installation where the projection screen slowly moves back and forth.
'DAWG' presents Pitbulls who run whilst being filmed from an 'en face' perspective. The camera moves along with the dog's head. The Pitbull shots are alternated by shots of springing stones, all extremely slowed down, creating a hypnotising character. By motorising seven drums through electromagnets, I made them function as acoustic speakers. Acoustic instruments require a physical space, the vibrations are tangible and provide the sound with a tactile aspect. Combining this aspect with film, I research how I can create a spatial and physical experience whilst watching the film.
'DAWG' presents Pitbulls who run whilst being filmed from an 'en face' perspective. The camera moves along with the dog's head. The Pitbull shots are alternated by shots of springing stones, all extremely slowed down, creating a hypnotising character. By motorising seven drums through electromagnets, I made them function as acoustic speakers. Acoustic instruments require a physical space, the vibrations are tangible and provide the sound with a tactile aspect. Combining this aspect with film, I research how I can create a spatial and physical experience whilst watching the film.
'DAWG' presents Pitbulls who run whilst being filmed from an 'en face' perspective. The camera moves along with the dog's head. The Pitbull shots are alternated by shots of springing stones, all extremely slowed down, creating a hypnotising character. By motorising seven drums through electromagnets, I made them function as acoustic speakers. Acoustic instruments require a physical space, the vibrations are tangible and provide the sound with a tactile aspect. Combining this aspect with film, I research how I can create a spatial and physical experience whilst watching the film.
'DAWG' presents Pitbulls who run whilst being filmed from an 'en face' perspective. The camera moves along with the dog's head. The Pitbull shots are alternated by shots of springing stones, all extremely slowed down, creating a hypnotising character. By motorising seven drums through electromagnets, I made them function as acoustic speakers. Acoustic instruments require a physical space, the vibrations are tangible and provide the sound with a tactile aspect. Combining this aspect with film, I research how I can create a spatial and physical experience whilst watching the film.
'DAWG' presents Pitbulls who run whilst being filmed from an 'en face' perspective. The camera moves along with the dog's head. The Pitbull shots are alternated by shots of springing stones, all extremely slowed down, creating a hypnotising character. By motorising seven drums through electromagnets, I made them function as acoustic speakers. Acoustic instruments require a physical space, the vibrations are tangible and provide the sound with a tactile aspect. Combining this aspect with film, I research how I can create a spatial and physical experience whilst watching the film.
'DAWG' presents Pitbulls who run whilst being filmed from an 'en face' perspective. The camera moves along with the dog's head. The Pitbull shots are alternated by shots of springing stones, all extremely slowed down, creating a hypnotising character. By motorising seven drums through electromagnets, I made them function as acoustic speakers. Acoustic instruments require a physical space, the vibrations are tangible and provide the sound with a tactile aspect. Combining this aspect with film, I research how I can create a spatial and physical experience whilst watching the film.
A bus from 1965 drives through the countryside of Noord-Groningen. The camera is situated in the middle of the bus and keeps one wind direction while the bus moves. When the bus drives and takes turns, the view changes each time. Both the landscape and the bus are perceived as individual characters in the video. The camera keeps course like a sailing boat, where the bus feels like the boat and the landscape as a green sea.
A bus from 1965 drives through the countryside of Noord-Groningen. The camera is situated in the middle of the bus and keeps one wind direction while the bus moves. When the bus drives and takes turns, the view changes each time. Both the landscape and the bus are perceived as individual characters in the video. The camera keeps course like a sailing boat, where the bus feels like the boat and the landscape as a green sea.
An Oak tree is cut in quarters over the long side, after which the quarters have been turned inside out. It created a beam-like shape with a hollow space inside. The hollow space feels intimate and personal, as it usually is the outside of the tree. The protective layer of bark is now within, while the heart of the tree is on the outside. It gives the sculpture a disarming and vulnerable character, while it keeps the shape of a heavy beam.
An Oak tree is cut in quarters over the long side, after which the quarters have been turned inside out. It created a beam-like shape with a hollow space inside. The hollow space feels intimate and personal, as it usually is the outside of the tree. The protective layer of bark is now within, while the heart of the tree is on the outside. It gives the sculpture a disarming and vulnerable character, while it keeps the shape of a heavy beam.
A bus from 1965 drives through the countryside of Noord-Groningen. The camera is situated in the middle of the bus and keeps one wind direction while the bus moves. When the bus drives and takes turns, the view changes each time. Both the landscape and the bus are perceived as individual characters in the video. The camera keeps course like a sailing boat, where the bus feels like the boat and the landscape as a green sea.
An Oak tree is cut in quarters over the long side, after which the quarters have been turned inside out. It created a beam-like shape with a hollow space inside. The hollow space feels intimate and personal, as it usually is the outside of the tree. The protective layer of bark is now within, while the heart of the tree is on the outside. It gives the sculpture a disarming and vulnerable character, while it keeps the shape of a heavy beam.
A bus from 1965 drives through the countryside of Noord-Groningen. The camera is situated in the middle of the bus and keeps one wind direction while the bus moves. When the bus drives and takes turns, the view changes each time. Both the landscape and the bus are perceived as individual characters in the video. The camera keeps course like a sailing boat, where the bus feels like the boat and the landscape as a green sea.
An Oak tree is cut in quarters over the long side, after which the quarters have been turned inside out. It created a beam-like shape with a hollow space inside. The hollow space feels intimate and personal, as it usually is the outside of the tree. The protective layer of bark is now within, while the heart of the tree is on the outside. It gives the sculpture a disarming and vulnerable character, while it keeps the shape of a heavy beam.
Personal website
innestebuiten.nlSocial media
Curriculum vitae
2024 - 2026Amsterdam, De Ateliers
2019 - 2024Fine art Bachelor Utrecht, HKU faculteit Kunst en Vormgeving diploma
Sales/Works in collections
2022Inside out tree Verbeke Foundation Kemkeze, Nederland An Oak tree is cut in quarters over the long side, after which the quarters have been turned inside out. It created a beam-like shape with a hollow space inside. The hollow space feels intimate and personal, as it usually is the outside of the tree. The protective layer of bark is now within, while the heart of the tree is on the outside. It gives the sculpture a disarming and vulnerable character, while it keeps the shape of a heavy beam.
2024Absurd en alledaags tegelijkertijd – Graduation Shows 2024: HKU BA Fine Art Magazine Stella Kummer Netherlands metropolism.com/nl/recensie/absurd-en-alledaags-tegelijkertijd-graduation-shows-2024-hku-ba-fine-art/ De afstuderende kunstenaars van de HKU durven gek en persoonlijk te zijn, ziet Stella Kummer tijdens haar bezoek. Ze schrijft over de werken die haar het meest zijn opgevallen.
Awards and grants
2024Filmfonds Wildcard - Lab 2024 utrecht, Netherlands De Filmfonds Wildcards worden elk jaar uitgereikt aan jonge, talentvolle filmmakers die net afgestudeerd zijn aan een film- of kunstacademie en hun eindexamenfilm naar het Fonds insturen. De winnaars van de Wildcard ontvangen €53.000 om zonder restricties een nieuwe documentaire, fictie- of animatiefilm en immersief/experimenteel project te maken onder begeleiding van een producent en een coach. Hiermee wil het Fonds de ontwikkeling van nieuw talent stimuleren om hun eerste stappen te zetten in het professionele werkveld.
2024Flowering the Future 2024 Utrecht, Netherlands https://floweringthefuture.org/#deprijs De Flowering the Future Award wordt elk jaar uitgereikt aan een afstuderende beeldend kunstenaar aan de HKU. De winnaar wordt gekozen uit een voorselectie van vijf studenten aan de afdeling Fine Art. Deze nominaties worden gemaakt door docenten van de opleiding. Na een studio-bezoek, portfolio-presentatie en een motivatie omschrijving wordt een winnaar gekozen. De jury van Flowering the Future let in het bijzonder op de artistieke attitude van de student, kijkt naar de betrokken avontuurlijke houding en de verbeelding die in het werk tot uiting komt. De student toont waardevolle, verrassende of originele perspectieven. Tenslotte laat de student in het werk zien zich vrijelijk te kunnen bewegen in — en — tussen de verschillende disciplines. Het is een prijs voor een vrijmoedig denken, een aanstekelijk, inspirerende attitude, een handelen vanuit passie en geloof in de grote kracht en waarde van kunst. De prijs bedraagt €4.500 en heeft als doel deze attitude te ondersteunen. De prijs is ontstaan uit de overtuiging dat kunst van wezenlijk belang is en voeding geeft op haar eigen unieke wijze.