video with interviews for the installation In the softness of the belly...
Drone montage from the installation in the softness of the belly...
Photograph from In the softness of the belly...
In the softness of the belly... We all had our beginning. A beginning where a fertilized egg attached itself in the womb. The womb, at the center of the body of a woman. A woman equally entitled to autonomy and freedom, Freedom of choice. Choice of what she does and doesn’t want to do with her body. Her body, her reproductive rights. Her reproductive rights, basic human rights. Every year 73 million women worldwide undergo an abortion. In 2023 I was one of them. During the experience of facing my own abortion, the women around me started sharing their stories. These women were family members, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers -women across several generation and several nationalities. I learned that I wasn’t alone with my feelings of loneliness and shame, but that they tied me to a long lineage of women who have claimed the right to autonomy over their own bodies and lives. In this project, I delve into the interwoven care networks between women and explore their different perspectives on reproductive rights. This research is carried out though meetings and conversations among a group of women who all have a significant role in my life.
Nude calendar for 2025 made in collaboration with graphic designer Sonya Umanskaya
Every year 73 million women worldwide have an abortion. In 2023 I was one of them. In the experience of facing my own abortion, the women around me started sharing their stories. These women were my mother, my grandmothers, my friends, acquaintances, and even strangers -women across several generation and several nationalities. I learned that I wasn’t alone in my experience or my feelings of shame but that they tied into a long lineage of women claiming the right to autonomy over their own bodies and lives. In this project, I delve into the interwoven care networks between women and their different perspectives on reproductive rights. This is facilitated through meetings and conversations among a group of women who all have a significant role in my life.
Ceramic piece for and fountain installation in the making.
Portrait of Aikins with the foal Ramadan Blaze and his mother Rose 7 hours after his birth.
My personal website with presentations of my work and projects
andreabonderup.cargo.siteSocial media
Curriculum vitae
2020 - 2024BA Photography full time Den Haag, Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten diploma
2020 - 20203 months fine arts program in Seydisfjordur in Iceland. Lunga School
2019 - 20194 month photography program at Fatamorgana, The Danish School of Art Photography Fatamorgana
2018 - 20186 months photography program (digital and analogue) at the Danish boarding school Testrup Højskole Testrup Højskole
2024Arty Party Melkweg Amsterdam, Netherlands 3 week installation with 8 photography graduates. www.melkweg.nl/en/agenda/arty-party-photography-graduates-21-09-2024/ Group
2024Steenbergen Stipedium Genomineerden 2024 Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam, Netherlands De vijf genomineerden van het Steenbergen Stipendium 2024 zijn door de jury bekendgemaakt. Het Steenbergen Stipendium is dé prijs voor het beste fotografische afstudeerwerk, gemaakt door een student aan een van de Nederlandse kunstacademies. Andrea Bonderup, Daan Hollander, Vera Pluer, Davide Sartori en Miles Matsui Schleifer strijden zijn geselecteerd. Op 15 november 2024 wordt in het Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam bekendgemaakt wie zich de winnaar mag noemen van het Steenbergen Stipendium 2024. Alle afstudeerwerken zijn in het Nederlands Fotomuseum te zien van 15 oktober tot en met 8 december 2024. pers.nederlandsfotomuseum.nl/240295-genomineerden-steenbergen-stipendium-2024-bekend Group
2023As Above So Below The Grey Space in The Middle Den Haag, Netherlands The Fool Collective, a collective of third year KABK Photography students, invites you to their four-day long exhibition ‘As Above, So Below’. Come by for art and cultural activities, including lectures, performances, student screenings, sound performances and a party. As the third year KABK photography students begin to refine their practices, old links gradually fade away while making space for new connections. They have constructed a network of interconnected but individual works, where materiality fluctuates between the fragile and the strong. The Fool Collective thus invites their audience to shape their own interrelations and set up new routes of understanding. thegreyspace.net/program/as-below-so-above-19-22-01-2023/ Group
In the softness of the belly KABK Den Haag, Netherlands andreabonderup.cargo.site/in-the-softness-of-the-belly- Every year 73 million women worldwide undergo an abortion. In 2023 I was one of them. During the experience of facing my own abortion, the women around me started sharing their stories. These women were family members, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers - women across several generation and several nationalities. I learned that I wasn’t alone with my feelings of loneliness and shame, but that they tied me to a long lineage of women who have claimed the right to autonomy over their own bodies and lives. In this project, I delve into the interwoven care networks between women and explore their different perspectives on reproductive rights. This research is carried out though meetings and conversations among a group of women who all have a significant role in my life.
CORNUCOPIA 2.0 The Hague, Netherlands andreabonderup.cargo.site/cornucopia-2-0 Nude calendar for 2024, made in collaboration with graphic designer Sonya Umanskaia.
99% Pure Potent Energy, SLURP, SLURP! Den Haag, Netherlands andreabonderup.cargo.site/99-pure-potent-energi Patriarchy is here to stay, if you can´t beat them join them! Craving some of that sweet and potent masculine energy? With an almost infinite amount of proof, I can guarantee you that the one thing that will get you places is that big dick energy. It has been known to man since the beginning of time that having a dangling piece of meat between your legs is the easiest way to success. Unfortunately, not everyone has been lucky enough to be born this way, but don’t worry with 99% Pure Potent Energy you too can get a part of the action. One sip at a time you can get closer to the job of your dreams, powerful political positions, being a board member or even a CEO, you name it, only the sky is the limit! Would you like to have your voice heard in a discussion, being asked for non-emotional advice, having an opinion that matters, or simply just get immediate respect from people? Then start sipping away. 99% Pure Potent Energy consists of the purest and most potent big dick energy with only 1% of the inevitable toxicity and fragility. But don’t let the 1% toxicity and fragility scare you off! With the amount of arrogance and ignorance the product gives you I promise you that it won’t affect you in the slightest. Take a sip and get one step closer to living the life you always dreamt of!
International exchanges/Residencies
2023Ulla Deventer Accra, Ghana 3 month internship with German photographer Ulla Deventer in Accra, Ghana. www.ulladeventer.com
2024Steel Frame Århus, Denmark Music video for artist Mathilde Frontier
2023777 SOS Ny Nørup, Denmark Music video made in collaboration with Anne Havskov and Sofie Havskov for Lui Surreal. www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU6FfUxMWQo finished
Sales/Works in collections
2017UNDER PRESSURE Private collector Ljungby, Zweden Photograph exhibited at Portrait now!
2024In the softness of the belly... There is a war on women Book Self Published by Photography department at KABK Andrea Bonderup The Hague, Netherlands www.researchcatalogue.net/view/2910232/2910231 Research paper and photobook. ABSTRACT In the softness of the belly… There is a war on women is a testimony to the lived stories of abortion from a perspective which transcends time and national borders. This research paper is structured around two intertwined trajectories with varying text formats and writing styles. This structure merges the personal with the political and explores their relationship as it reveals how they can’t be separated in a society with deeply rooted structures of patriarchy and misogyny. The first trajectory chronologically tells the story of the author's own experience with abortion integrated with the personal stories from friends and family members. The process of dealing with abortion is gradually laid out starting from childhood memories, proceeding into the practical turmoil and the contradicting emotions surrounding the experience itself, moving onto the mental and physical aftermaths, and lastly processing the experience and slowly healing. In the second trajectory the topic is explored from a more external perspective rooted in history, politics, culture, and society. Through research on the history of reproductive rights and procreation, the permeating role of patriarchy from the past to the presence is addressed. The investigation of patriarchy dives into the misogynist history of witch-hunts, hysteria, capitalism, domestic labor, and into the present where reproductive rights are both improving but also continuously being tightened or removed. This trajectory further explores several socio-cultural aspects of abortion through research-based text and more sporadic and poetic writings. The topics that are addressed are shame, guilt, religion, gender roles, depiction both visually and written, the public discussion, and the perception of blood, violence, and war in relation to women and reproductive rights. The aim of the research paper is to break down and reveal the patriarchal structures which compromise women's reproductive rights, and to state the importance of reclaiming the personal narratives as well as the autonomy over one's own body, narrative, and life.
2024CORNUCOPIA 2.0 - Come as you are Catalog Self Published by Photography department at KABK Andrea Bonderup Den Haag, Netherlands andreabonderup.cargo.site/cornucopia-2-0 Nude calendar for 2024, made in collaboration with graphic designer Sonya Umanskaia.
2023CORNUCOPIA - Food Porn Catalog Self publish Andrea Bonderup Den Haag, Netherlands andreabonderup.cargo.site/cornucopia Nude calendar for 2023, made in collaboration with graphic designer Sonya Umanskaia.
2021Aftermaths* Book Self publish Andrea Bonderup Den Haag, Netherlands andreabonderup.cargo.site/aftermaths* Photo book from a long lost summer.
2024‘Het persoonlijke verhaal is mijn activisme, activisme met zachte druk’ Newspaper Rianne van Dijck Netherlands www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/07/26/het-persoonlijke-verhaal-is-mijn-activisme-activisme-met-zachte-druk-a4860614 Article about my practice and my graduation work in NRC.
2024PIP Radio Radio Noah Gorrisson Den Haag, Netherlands Interview about my graduation work and artistic practice.
Awards and grants
2024Steenbergen Stipendium steenbergen stipendium Rotterdam, Netherlands Winner of Steenbergen Stipendium 2024
Secondary art-related activities
2023 - 2024Teaching photography at a week course at Engelsholm Højskole in the summer of 2023 and 2024
2023 - 2024Abortion story workshops On-going